Finding Favour and Blessings

Becoming the “Certain Man”: Finding Favor and Blessings Introduction During my recent Bible reading, I came across an intriguing story in the Book of John, Chapter 5, about an invalid man by the pool of Bethesda. This particular individual caught my attention because the Bible referred to him as a…

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Focus on Needs

It’s important not to get caught up in seeking approval from others, but rather to focus on what needs to be done. Seeking validation solely from others can lead to short-term success, but building a lasting legacy requires meeting the needs of others. When you prioritize meeting the needs of…

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Building Up Power

Here’s an edited version of the given text: BUILDING UP POWER In today’s social media age, it is increasingly easy to measure our happiness and success by the number of likes, followers, and people attending our events. However, true power does not come from these external validations. Rather, it is…

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Do You Know Anybody Who Has Given Up in Life?

Do you know of anybody who has given up in life? We can help the people around us to learn to break the limits around them as they take lessons from these two icons, King David and Michelangelo. They exceeded the limits and were unstoppable in their days. I know…

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There was a story of a CEO who had an employee. Due to some careless miscalculation, the employee caused his employer a loss to the tune of $40,000. The employee was sad and remorseful she tendered her resignation. The employer told her he is not retrenching her, he needs her…

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  Christians by perverse messages from the pit of hell scale downward and play safe and little and thereby lose relevance where it matters. Ask many of us what we think about politics, our quick response would be: It is for the devil’s children. I told somebody that what causes…

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PART 1 – STRUCTURE OF A MEGA TEAM A team is a group of individuals coming together to pursue a common dream, purpose or ideal. This means that a team should be much more homogeneous, united and of common front. We are looking at the structure of a world class…

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Listen to Human Voice Reading Here: Listen to text-to-word voice reading here God’s Purpose and Our Inherent Abilities: Lessons from Joseph and David. Introduction: In the journey of life, many individuals wonder about their purpose and the unique abilities they possess. It is often said that God works in mysterious…

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