Higher Dimensions

Certainly, the concept of higher dimensions beyond the visible realm is a fascinating aspect often explored in spirituality and philosophy. It’s a belief that delves into the intangible yet influential forces shaping our lives. Consider this: beyond what our physical senses can perceive lies a dimension where thoughts, fears, and…

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Finding Favour and Blessings

Becoming the “Certain Man”: Finding Favor and Blessings Introduction During my recent Bible reading, I came across an intriguing story in the Book of John, Chapter 5, about an invalid man by the pool of Bethesda. This particular individual caught my attention because the Bible referred to him as a…

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What Love Experts Don’t Tell You – 4

IT IS YOUR WORK TO MAKE THINGS WORK If you are not happy being single or unmarried, it is important to question why you believe that marriage will bring you joy. The truth is, who you are as an individual will only be amplified by marriage. Proverbs 27:19 KJVAs in…

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Listen to Human Voice Reading Here: Listen to text-to-word voice reading God did not tell Gideon, you are going to be mighty, the scripture is plain, instead, he said: You are a mighty man of valour. You are created mighty, born with the gene of greatness. You are a special…

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Koye thought of the different debts assailing him. He struggles to live and by the day things were getting worse for him. Laide was having a terrible time with her husband. This has caused her blood pressure to shoot up above normal. She knew she was a walking smiling corpse….

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