What Love Experts Don’t Tell You – 4


If you are not happy being single or unmarried, it is important to question why you believe that marriage will bring you joy. The truth is, who you are as an individual will only be amplified by marriage.

Proverbs 27:19 KJV
As in water face answereth to face, so the heart of man to man.

If you do not know how to cohabit and build a strong foundation before entering into marriage, the act of getting married itself will not fundamentally change you. As Mahatma Gandhi once wisely said, “Be the change you want to see in others.” The key to a secure and blissful marriage lies in the effort and commitment you put into it. Never rely solely on your partner to be responsible for your happiness, fulfillment, wealth, and prosperity. You are a significant stakeholder in your own joy and personal growth, both before and after marriage.

If you are struggling with financial difficulties, it is unrealistic to expect that marriage will magically solve all your problems and bring you riches. This belief is an illusion. If you are unable to contribute to the financial stability and well-being of your family, you will likely become a burden rather than a valuable asset. Your desire for an easy life without taking on responsibilities will only lead to disdain and animosity from your partner and others around you.

This is why relationships often face challenges when there is a significant difference in status between partners. One partner may be focused on personal growth, building wealth, and developing skills, while the other may view the marriage as an opportunity to exploit the fortune of their partner.

In essence, the level of investment you put into a marriage significantly determines the level of bliss and fulfillment you can expect to receive from it. It is crucial to understand that to find true happiness in a marriage, we must take responsibility for our actions and contributions. We must strive to become partners who actively contribute to the growth and well-being of the entire family. A marriage that brings blessings and abundance is one that is nurtured and cultivated, allowing the best qualities of both individuals to flourish and benefit the union.

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