Christians by perverse messages from the pit of hell scale downward and play safe and little and thereby lose relevance where it matters.

Ask many of us what we think about politics, our quick response would be: It is for the devil’s children.

I told somebody that what causes sinfulness isn’t much about the kind of job you’re engaged in but sin nature within one.

We have teachers who are crooks just as we have politicians.

David was a political leader yet was a man after God’s heart.

The point is: God has assigned each of us to a domain where he wants us to make impact?

Have you discovered yours?

If you’ve not known your purpose in life, run through our basic leadership program here:


*Taking Territory

Now to the main meat, get set for this message should change and transform you

*Take territory*

What the message is saying is that you should stop playing small.


1. *The Bible accounts*

The Bible account from Genesis to Revelation is about individuals, society and nation and their quest for territories.

Abraham in Canaan has account that he grew mighty with lands, servants and riches.

Joseph was Lord in Egypt

Joshua fought for the promised land

David brought under nations around him and he grew into many lands yet he remained the friend of God

2. It is the nature of man to gain dominion.

God told man to multiply and to have dominion.

Playing small in the name of humility is a sin and against the will of God

Genesis 1:27-28 KJV
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. [28] And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Our design to live in dominion is in tandem with the image of God

God’s throne and kingdom has no end.

Man in his image want to take over and explore the universe.

Do you know that we are already at the edge of people building cities in mars very soon… Another planet

What that means is that you stop playing small at your little corner.

Like the butterfly, it’s good to stay for a while in your cocoon, but to stay longer than is due is to die frustrated and depressed.

To stay too long at a position for *too long* is depressing…

The baby has to be in the mother’s womb for 9 months, but beyond that it becomes uncomfortable.

When you first arrived at that height you were glad, but now you felt it’s time to fly to a new height.

If you’re feeling that way don’t feel guilty, for it is the nature of God to grow.

3. *Jesus words confirm it*

Luke 12:32 KJV

Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

When we talk about kingdom we are talking with the mind of two conjoined words…

King…. *Dom* ain


*You cannot have a king without a domain*

In my own good understanding, every one has a domain, but it’s left for us to appropriate and to harness it.

Many of us live like destitute at the mercy of the horned Lucifer…

We are not called to live at the corner of life as victim.

I cannot imagine God lying. If he says he’s given us a kingdom, I want to believe it wasn’t an imaginary kingdom please.

Luke 12:32 KJV

Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

Jesus here used an endearing words… Fear not, little flock…

He looked at his disciples. They seem trembling and hiding from being the impact makers…

Then he seem to become their motivation teacher…

Telling them… You’re more than you’re… You have a ready kingdom from the Father.

4. *The kingdom is within us*

Luke 17:21 KJV

Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

Jesus is saying here… The kingdom or territory you’ll have is according to what you could see within you.

The kingdom of God depends on how far each of us can see.

God owns the universe but he gives each of us a part of the whole….

Psalm 24, the earth is the Lord and the fullness.

5. *God wants increase*

The parable of the talents illustrates this of a king who gives of his talents to servants… Those who multiply it were given more and entered into the master’s kingdom.

*God frowns at stagnancy*

_As a Christian and leader make your life a forward movement. Our God do not accept excuses fr man_

You’ll realize that the servant who failed to trade his talent was cast out in spite of his numerous excuses

See beyond and grow beyond. It’s time to take territories.

*Before rounding up I’ll want to clarify a grey area.*

1. The Old Testament is written with the mind of a physical world… So acquiring territories has to do with physical lands and conquering of people

2. The New Testament is written with the mind of a spiritual world… So acquiring territories has to do foremost with the liberation of the spirit and soul (mind) of man.

Jesus believed that if your mind is sound you can take over properly without necessarily enslaving anybody.

So as a Christian, your most important conquest is taking over the territory of your mind…

Jesus Christ picture of the kingdom or territory or domain is beyond money, fame or status as we see Christianity today.

Jesus picture is about doing the will of God and being faithful in all his house to do ALL he wants us to do.

Taking over is being impactful according to the design of God for our lives.

Taking territories is about establishing the kingdom of God over the kingdom of the world.

Taking territories for a Christian is about setting the life and nature of God in the world of men.

Finally, taking kingdom is about knowing you’re free and living accordingly.

Knowing that you can be ALL God wants you to be because the KINGDOM of God is in you.

It depends on you how far you want to go in life according to the power that works in you.

Ephesians 3:20 KJV

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

Till next week Time …

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