Fear and Empowering Prayer: Breaking the Chains

Fear and Empowering Prayer: Breaking the Chains In the realm of Christianity, a prevalent fear often lingers—fear of witches and the perceived malevolence they can unleash. It’s a fear that, ironically, can act as a self-imposed cage, limiting the freedom that prayers seek to unlock. Let’s delve into this fear…

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The Power of Belief: Beyond Repetitive Prayers

In moments of hardship or distress, our instinct often leads us to offer countless prayers, hoping for divine intervention or a miraculous change in our circumstances. While prayer is undoubtedly powerful, there’s an underlying truth we often overlook — the potency of our beliefs and faith. The Bible emphasizes the…

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Finding Favour and Blessings

Becoming the “Certain Man”: Finding Favor and Blessings Introduction During my recent Bible reading, I came across an intriguing story in the Book of John, Chapter 5, about an invalid man by the pool of Bethesda. This particular individual caught my attention because the Bible referred to him as a…

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Building Up Power

Here’s an edited version of the given text: BUILDING UP POWER In today’s social media age, it is increasingly easy to measure our happiness and success by the number of likes, followers, and people attending our events. However, true power does not come from these external validations. Rather, it is…

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Be strategic about 2021 This message is important looking at the outlook of 2020. It was a similar experience to Isaac’s experience at Gerah. While in Gerah things weren’t rosy and kind to him… At the end of the season he planned checking out. Many of us are frustrated as…

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