
When you find Jesus, when you find the purpose of your life, you automatically become the rock

Today’s discussion is uniquely designed to help you find WHO you are and thereafter lead to the expression of the SUPERNATURAL YOU.

Some many years ago, I took time to watch wrestling that featured a guy called The Rock.

He was beaten, pummelled and whipped. Everyone thought it was over. Then like a miracle he stood up and won the match.

Like this man, you are made to win in life no matter what you go through.

This starts with new thinking and orientation to identify with your real self.

Many of us are living outside of who we are made to be due to the circumstances of our birth and the environment we find ourselves.

You shall be called the rock

A case of Peter

Peter was called Simon, which means reed.

By extension, the word reed connote weakness, fragility or softness.

This was the name the world gave him. He answers to it and could have been his label all his life.


He met Jesus

When Jesus saw him, he gave him a new name – Peter which means rock.

Every man by natural birth is weak, frail and incapable of outstanding things.

Thus the reason why many live shy and with low esteem.

Many people choose to live their lives for mundane things, a lack lustre inferior life experience.

So doing, they never came to terms with who they are.

You are a rock

The extraordinary life of man isn’t about flesh and blood but an answer to a higher calling, responsibility and purpose.

When you answer, the divine power begins to flow through you. Then you become the expression of who you were originally made to be.

You are more than this

A Communication of the new name

Peter would have lived all his life as a weak and unstable person; a shadow of his real self.

Then he met Jesus

Have you met Jesus?

I’m not saying that do you go to church?

I mean this: Do you have communion and fellowship with him?

It’s through communion or fellowship that you can hear your new name in your spiritual mind.

Personal relationship leads to personalized assignment and life.

When you walk with the Lord for a while you will realise your new name: The Rock

Once Peter became the rock, he went on to do amazing and outstanding feat.

The ordinary fisherman became a wonder to many

Knowing who you are opens the doors:

God is saying to you: If you take the step now, I’ll back you.

If you take the step, nothing can bring you down. For I am with you.

In conclusion: remember Gideon, Joshua, David and the host of others.

When they stepped out on purpose they became invincible in accomplishment.

You are the rock – Petra

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