What Love Experts Don’t Tell You


In order to guarantee a blissful relationship, one must make a conscious decision to pursue it. This decision is not to be taken lightly, as it holds the power to transform the dynamics of a marriage. When we grasp the simplicity of this statement, we can find true rest within our relationships.

Struggling with the truth of marriage will only lead to further disconnection and fragmentation. We are all just a moment of decision away from the life we truly desire. It is crucial to decide what we truly want: holding onto our egos, the need to always be right, and the pursuit of perfection, or embracing the path of bliss.

Figuratively, many marriages resemble a picture where couples walk in different directions within their hearts, separated by an invisible wall. This image conveys messages of ego, lack of agreement, stubbornness, and a poor understanding of the essence of marriage.

This pattern will persist until one person decides to break it. It often takes just one individual who comprehends the true meaning of marriage to initiate positive change. There are those who, when faced with their spouse’s shortcomings, choose to retreat to their own tents. Ego, self-righteousness, self-exaltation, and hardness of heart have all contributed to the absence of bliss in many homes.

Using the picture as an analogy, one person must wholeheartedly decide to do everything in their power to make the marriage work. It is important to remember that any good thing in life comes with a price. Just as a verdant field must be nurtured, freedom and bliss in marriage require a sense of responsibility.

Rather than waiting for your spouse to come crawling back, take the initiative to meet them and resolve issues. Even when your partner has squandered everything, like the prodigal son, maintain a watchful eye and be ready to embrace them with open arms. Remember, as a Christian, this is the only valid path to a blissful marriage. To argue against it is to settle for the old, unsatisfying experiences.

When you resolutely determine to make your marriage work, it will. With unwavering commitment, you can let go of your ego and create harmony within the relationship. While you may have initially believed your spouse to be the cause of all the problems, your response can either heal or worsen the situation. Don’t stay perched on your high horse, but instead, humble yourself and work towards reconciliation. Recall that Jesus came down to earth to save us, and he did everything possible to redeem the sinner.

Do your utmost to support and help your spouse. Once you have done your part, divine power will step in and grant you the bliss you seek. Bliss in marriage is a crown reserved for those who are willing to sacrifice and pay the price. It is the reward for turning the mess within your spouse into a message of love and understanding.

Discard the advice of relationship experts who speak without true knowledge and experience. Listen to those who have walked the path before and can say, “We have handled and tasted these things.” Follow the wisdom of those who have paved the way.

If this message seems difficult to comprehend, save it and revisit it until its meaning becomes clear. It holds the secret to unlocking the bliss within your marriage.

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