It’s important not to get caught up in seeking approval from others, but rather to focus on what needs to be done. Seeking validation solely from others can lead to short-term success, but building a lasting legacy requires meeting the needs of others. When you prioritize meeting the needs of others, you become a person of impact.
An example of this is the story of David and Goliath. David was not approved or expected to fight Goliath, but he took action anyway. Champions don’t wait for approval or applause, they take action and do what needs to be done.
Similarly, when pursuing your own goals, it’s important to focus on the task at hand and not worry about who is or isn’t following you. Doing what needs to be done, even when it’s difficult or unpopular, will ultimately lead to success and recognition.
It’s also important to remember that mastery takes time and practice. Even when you feel like you’ve missed the mark, keep firing and eventually you’ll develop the skills and expertise needed to succeed.
In order to develop this kind of focus and determination, it’s important to be comfortable being alone and independent. This can help you stay focused on your goals without being distracted by external validation or pressure.
Ultimately, if you stay committed to meeting the needs of others and doing what needs to be done, you’ll build a legacy that will make a lasting impact on the world.