There was a story of a CEO who had an employee.

Due to some careless miscalculation, the employee caused his employer a loss to the tune of $40,000.

The employee was sad and remorseful she tendered her resignation.

The employer told her he is not retrenching her, he needs her more. The employee was surprised: why will he restore confidence in such an employee that has caused so much loss?

The CEO said to her: you are the most expensive member of my team; what this just mean was that I spent more to train you.

He kept her and she was very grateful for that. She turned out much better.

What this story underscore is this: the most important member of your team will often constitute those who have failed you more and whose offense or error you overlooked.

Jesus said of a woman who used large amount of anointing on Jesus.

The pharisees complained: Why this waste?

Jesus answered: He whose sin is forgiven more loved more.

The bottom line: The more you’re able to forgive sins and embrace people of divergent view will be the extent you will be loved, honoured and cherished.

Enemy converted often serve better than lukewarm friends.

Don’t be too quick to discard people. They are your most important assets… More important than money.

With people you grow more wealthy plus healthy social circle.

Cultivate healthy relationship even with the undeserving.
Not because of them, but you

Lesson from politicians: Politicians are one of the amazing people.

Thet could easily embrace a long term enemy once they have common ground.

For your health

Don’t build a lifetime enemy – as long as it lies on you.

You can force relationship, but make sure the irreconcilable aspect isn’t from you.


If politicians can move on, why would you make or have a lifetime enemy?

All the disciples falter, yet Christ took them all back.

David took back Joab and Abishai when they failed him.

Even Absalom… He was ready to forgive him.

Even Shimei who cursed the king.

Leniency isn’t weakness but strength.

It will be the stability of your kingdom.

We all have kingdom.

Yoruba has an adage: Elders who don’t get angry have many children.

Build quality relationship with the good , bad and ugly . You’ll need them all.

You’ll get to a bridge that you cannot cross in life in spite of what you have… You will definitely need somebody to help you.

I heard a story today that stirs this talk:

A man had a company. His elder brother asked him to sack one of the company driver.

To the amazement of his elder brother, the man improve his relationship with his driver.

When he was asked why he retained him despite some obvious wrongs committed by the driver, the employer responded:

If I sack my driver, will my elder brother do his work?

When you are tempted to destroy a relationship, ask yourself deep questions. Don’t be shallow.


Harness the gift of men; that’s your greatest asset.

Prayer: Lord, help me to value the gifts of men you have given unto me.

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