WORK WHILE WAITING (Contribution by Brother Ajayi)

Before we go deeply into this topic, I will to first of all define the term ‘WORK’.

WORK can be defined as effort expended on getting a particular task done.

So, that means if you already have the view of getting something done, then, you have to get working on it.

And as we all know, or as we should know, Relationship and Love affairs needs proper working on both in the individual sense and in the union.

What does WAITING signifies?

WAITING simply signifies the patience, looking forward to and the space in-between to getting our very desired wish.

Now, we as individuals should begin to realize this fact that before you can have a perfect union, perfect companionship or relationship… There are works that must be done in all areas of our lives.

Some of those WORKS and how to get those WORKS done are what we are delving into now

As an individual, both male and female, we must begin to realize all these things for a perfect relationship life and most of all marriage life to be assured.

Below ? are the points to note:

WORK on your Prayer life.

Prayer is a vital thing that must be used in getting what is needed for us.

It is a key that opens all mighty doors.

Prayer helps an individual to be having deeper connections with his/her maker.

If you don’t want to be lazy while married, now is the time for you to rekindle your prayer life and never get lazy.

Your laziness today while still waiting for that perfect man may well affect you even when you eventually go into that union.

Remember, a prayerless life is what the evil forces out there are ready to feast on.

Pray without ceasing!

Pray fervently!

Pray day & night!

Pray and get what you want through prayers and direct connection with your maker.

WORK on your Business/Career life

Under this number 2, most singles out there miss it a lot.

Most of today’s Singles will rather rely on friends, fathers, mothers, boyfreinds, etc to get themselves going in terms of finances.

Before a single guy or lady can categorically say he/she is ready to move into any serious thing, he must have a conviction of where he’s headed on life. Most importantly, his/her Career life.

I will like us to observe some three (3) important things under this section.

They are:
a) Your Dreams

b) Your Aspirations

c) Your Skills.

What are your Dreams?

I recently came across a particular definition of Dreams, and it explains it like this:

Dreams are series of events or pictures happening in one’s mind while sleeping.


While sleeping.

I want us to be in the Spirit with this teaching this evening and mark that very line… WHILE SLEEPING

That means in your state of unconsciousness, in your state of weakness, in your state of not being fully empowered, you still have your dreams and goals with you.

But the most important thing here is not just to dream alone, but to make sure your dreams are brought into reality.

And all of these must be accomplished while still Single.

So, you see,

Being Single is when an individual must get at work for personal development more and more

Another thing up there is

Your Aspirations.

What do you aspire to become or do?

It is now that you’re still waiting that those aspirations must begin to come to pass

And another is your SKILL

What Skills do you have?

What are your Skills?

What have you been doing or accomplished so far with that Skills?

Do you even have a Skill of your own?

Are you ready to makeup time to learning the relevant Skills?

Have you even realized your Godgiven Skills yet?

Let’s move to the Number 3

WORK on your Emotions

As we all might have known, what drives most Single guy and lady out there is Emotions.

Emotions are part of us, but it shouldn’t dictate or decide things for us.

The mistakes most Singles are making or have made is because they allowed themselves to be driven by Emotions.

If you are even going to be driven by Emotions, make sure it is on the positive side.

Never allow your Emotions drag you down.

Most Singles out there will say:

All my friends are getting married and I am still single… My Brother & Sister, that is Emotions trying to drive you and it may make you make some rash decisions that may negatively affect your life till the end of time.

Work on your Emotions and make the best use of it.

Always remain Positive at all time!

Never feel bad for what you’ve not achieved or received in life but instead, pursue that which is needed the right way.


Do not pursue the affairs of this life and totally neglect what your negative state of health is saying.

Make sure you are lively and in all areas of your life including your state of health.

Are you healthy MENTALLY?




All of those things must never be neglected.

As much as you feed yourself with the needed nutrients for the body, you must always do the same if not more for your Spiritual health.

Make sure you Mental state is right at all times.

Read books that will improve your decision making.

Go into friendships, groups, organisations that will improve your mental state and your physical well-being, not the one that will drain life completely out of you.

WORK on your Relationships

It is of a surety that the mistakes most of us are making in life is simply a replica of the kinds of relationship we are into.

A popular saying:

Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are.

Who are your friends?

What kind of relationship/friendship do you keep?

Hope you’re not into any toxic relationship that will hamper your destiny?

Now is the time to work on that too and make the right decisions.

WORK on your Sex life.

It is in our state of being Single that we all must completely work on our sex life.

Do you fornicate while still single?
It may affect your marriage life.

Do you even have the needed sexual discipline towards a perfect union?

Hope it’s not that you as a guy always run after everything under the skirt?

Hope it’s not that you as a lady is selling away your body and future with just a token and sweet words?

NOTE: The way you would like your sexual life to be when you’re married must be seen in you while still single.

So please, work on your sexual discipline.

Also, make sure you keep your body and mind pure from all immoralities.

Know this fact that all affairs of life starts right from the heart. ❤️

So, keep your heart pure and you will achieve this.

However, if you need help on any dysfunction that may be somewhere around your body or life, please pray for God’s restoration and also, seek medical help.

Finally my brethren, be the person you would like to have for a life partner.

Work on your self first in all things and also position yourself aright and the right person will come your way.

Be the person you want to have!


You can only have someone to complement you, not complete you.

You are you.

No one is entitled to make you complete

Make yourself complete first and do all your personal works and development on yourself… Then, everything will begin to fall into place for you.

Remember, it takes just the right decision for us to have the best Union.

And it starts with the level of Work we all put in into achieving that.

Thanks so much for your time here.

It’s been a pleasure sharing this wonderful time with you all, I am Bro Ajayi


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