Last week, we dwell on the power of prayer

Today again, we will pray.

Nothing changed in our world until prayer goes ahead of us:

Our Lord Jesus didn’t begin his world-changing project until after intense prayer.

Do you intend to change your world for good?

You are going to pray else the forces around you will bury you and the dream.

Let us pray:

  1. Pray for a strong spirit that desires the word of God.

For without the word, you’ll not be able to discern the move of God and his promises.

The depth of the word will determine your level of exploit.

  1. Pray for a strong spirit that prays.

Since prayer is important, nobody can pray deep without a strong spirit.

When you possess a strong spirit you become a powerful person in the place of prayer.

More so, a strong spirit prays right and prays to receive answers to prayers

Lord, grant me a fervent spirit in the place of prayer

James 5:16 KJV

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

The power of the word and prayer are the foundation and pillar of transforming the world.

3. Lord, I receive boldness of the spirit and the capacity to deliver my dreams and your purpose for my life.

Without the boldness of the spirit, you cannot take over your allotment in life.

Joshua 1 shows God’s repeated admonition to be courageous.

Capacity means ability.

Lord, grant unto me the ability needed to give birth to my dreams

I want you to continue in deep and fervent prayers – not out of fear but faith that you are moving mountains.

This is your season to give birth to new strength that comes from the inner being.

If you can speak in tongues, express it and mingle it with intense inner fire (I’m not talking about physical vibrations but heart vibrations like Elijah).

The world around you shouldn’t remain as it is now.

Like Elijah, stand for God and let God’s fire be set forth for world transformation.

This is the time to birth newness by the power of the Holy Spirit.


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