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Success principle and models are unchangeable anywhere and anytime.


Lord, this is my prayer: Help me to begin to be very precise in my decisions and walk with you in Jesus name.

Many of us desire to always get it right just the first attempt.

This also is my utmost desire.

What we desire becomes our reality.

In warfare when we miss the target, we too are opened to sufferings and pains.

The children of Israel missed it while journeying from Egypt to the Promise Land.

This cost them lost of lives of the older generation except Joshua and Caleb.

What’s their secret?

They were opened to hear the mind of God when others were deluded by the pressure of wants and the fear of the enemies.

*Today we will considering the story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch:*

Philip led the Ethiopian eunuch into a higher life of consecration and worship. He brought him to know Christ and his redemption work on humanity.

The Ethiopian Eunuch knew little about the way.

He needed help and was not sure where to get the help.

In leadership delivery, it’s the leader that pays the price.

The followers are often lost, confuse and bereft of how.

The leader must seek the lost followers.

Followers will continue to be followers.

The leader shouldn’t expect the followers to be as mature as himself.

This is why the leader mustn’t be in the habit of complaining or giving excuses.

Jesus was killed by the same people he came to save.

Therefore, we can safely conclude that a leader don’t go down into the mire with the followers. Instead he raises them upward.

May God give each of us the grace.

Are you the sent one? God will never have your excuse why you must turn away from the calling.

Jesus said: He who put his hands to the plough should not turn backward.

*We keep moving*

The leader helps the follower into making better choices for ultimate good.

We will be looking at critical issues to help you get your life and purpose on sail

1. Philip didn’t find the job for himself but God – he didn’t start out to impress neither God nor man – Acts 8:26.

What I mean is this: many don’t have their hearts, dedication or passion to a thing.

Religion picks activities in order to look good or impressive.

Many things we call calling or ministry is merely a kind of job.

The only difference is that the job is within a religious circle.

Do we preach or run our purpose for gold or God.

Are we called by gold or God?

Sincerely speaking we will need gold – money here on earth. But for a child of God, money is a residual reward.

Do you know that residual income is one of the best kind of income… Even the people of the world know that.

Let us answer the high calling… This is when we become precise and on point in delivery.

Many of what we call Christian services this days are nothing but bunch of activities that will take us nowhere. Because someone is out there preaching you also picked your things and begin.

Philip has a specific instruction of where to go. Success in life, ministry and leadership will require you to get to the specifics of God.

Not just because you feel like, find out beyond doubt what you are to do.

To be precise and on point is to take actions based on divine instructions.

*Getting to the specific of God is where the reward and speed is*

Looking at this, you can see that we all need help…

When we are precise, all things fall in place and the assignment becomes easier.

*Let us pray*

Lord, help me to be precise and to hear you right in every move of my life in 2021 and henceforth.

In Jesus name.

2. It is one thing to know what to do, it is another thing to do and act to the letter of the divine instruction.

Philip went down on the way to Gaza as dictated by God.

Obedience to divine instruction is not an option for those who want to do exceptionally well, it is a mandate that must be fulfilled. Come to think of it, God is omniscience; the all-knowing who knew where the eunuch would be at that specific moment.

What if Philip took off hours later? He would have missed his subject. He took off in earnest and he found the eunuch.

Divine instruction brings about precision as it removes the undue sweat in our call to service.

*A major challenge to heeding are the worldly pressure around us… Be still and know that He is God Jehovah*

3. In acting (taking steps) we know.

Many of us want to get the big picture before starting off. This will never be, by acting we get incremental insight and knowledge.

Philip by obeying found the reason for the divine instruction. If he had stayed back in Samaria he wouldn’t have known what to be done.

To be on point you don’t vacillate, you act with massive impetus like him that knows.

Do not match divine instruction with your level of knowledge.

*As you take steps you know.

4. Open doors wait for those who act on divine instructions.

Philip met a ready heart. When God leads you to a place he would have prepared ahead of you an open door that no man can close.

*My prayer today: May God lead us henceforth into a place he has prepared for us in Jesus name*

5. Christ was the center of Philip message.

Service should be Christ centered.

Whatever we do should be at center of Christ and the gospel.

Consecrate your entire life to live for and in Christ.

This is the path to being precise and on point.

Before rounding up I’ll add this: When you take on the battle/cause of the Lord, he carry yours in its entirety.

Jesus says: My yoke is easy…

I had this experience recently. I was in need of money but yet I refused to fret, instead I was committed to some works that I do:

Some of those works resonate around developing purpose and leadership among students.

When I was through it crossed my mind to call a client. They were happy and promised to give me a job in months to come.

I told my wife, if I had run around town for another 1 month I wouldn’t have earned so much.

Isaiah said: In quietness and confidence is our strength.

*When we begin to hear and obey God, he will cause the universe to obey us*


*On point leadership rides on the wings of obedience, and it brings together the man with problem to meet the man with the solution.*

Many times, the world suffers when the man with the answer refuses to show up.

God bless YOU.


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