Many marriage seminars are human inventiveness to make us happy but without substance to establish bliss in homes.

When you want to succeed go opposite the generally accepted norms.

It is not feelings that holds marriage together but commitment… This is what I learn from my Mom.

It is not feelings that holds marriage together but commitment… This is what I learn from my Mom.

In every marriage, there will be moments when the feelings aren’t there. If every marriage has to break when the feelings are gone, no marriage will stand the test of time.

I’m not saying feelings aren’t important in relationship. The essence of marriage is not good feelings.

The purpose of marriage is work… Work to bring glory to God, honour to your spouse and good to the world…

In real marriage, you’re the last in the equation. If you’re too quick to see that everything align for you, you may not really have a great marriage

In reality, feelings should be the harvest after requisite efforts are put into a relationship. You make things work, then the harvest of pure bliss follows.

You don’t harvest at the beginning of a venture but later.

The test of your marriage is based on how you act when the feelings are contrary.

How do you act when

The money is no longer there

The beauty is long gone

The fame isn’t there anymore

The spouse sway into sinfulness

Your commitment to stay on when all reasons and people advise contrary determines your strength.

Those who lack commitment in a given relationship are not likely going to have it in a new one.

The power of commitment is that it brings the feelings back

Let me give a simple example all married people will agree with…

Many times you may not really want to have sex with your spouse.

But if you respond to duty, you begin to find that your interests and feelings are ignited as you enjoy sex once again with your spouse. Yet you seem not in the mood earlier.

Sometimes you don’t seem to want to continue a relationship again, but by promising to hold on another and another day more, you find that the love is rekindled again and afresh.

Feelings is like ocean wave, if it’s gone, it will form again and again if you tarry long beside the ocean.

If you tarry long enough in a relationship, the feelings will come back again.

Therefore, don’t be too quick to disengage your relationship because the feelings are gone

With patients, commitment and prayer God would transform your spouse and he will make your relationship new from heaven.

Instead of packing your bags or going further astray, why not bow your head as you ask God for the strength for renewed commitment.

*He (God) makes all things new.

As I close, I pray for every home rocking to receive grace to renew their commitments beyond feelings.

As the commitments are renewed, Lord give your children fresh feelings and love made from heaven in Jesus name.

*To remember:

Marriage is the ocean

Feelings is the wave…

Feelings aren’t permanent like the wave it will come and go. The ocean is permanent.

But if you don’t give up in that relationship the feelings of love, acceptance and pure bliss will keep rekindling the bond.

Whatever, keep your marriage and you will receive the wonderful touch of Jesus and he’ll make all things new..


One Comment:

  1. I learn allot from this I pray for more grace sir

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