… Building with God, equipping the world changers


Anchor Scripture: And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. Isaiah 58:12


VISION STATEMENT: To be a ministry where people are raised to become excellent workmen; as the cutting edge of God in life as they bring into place the desirable impact we need in the world.

MISSION STATEMENT: To raise people who through love would make the sacrifices to make the world a better place by the work of righteousness; leading men to abundant life in Christ Jesus.


Goals and Objectives

  1. Raise stewards of God, people who are effective and successful in what they do whether on the job, business, ministry or otherwise.
  2. Help the people to discover and live a life of purpose in God.
  3. Help the people to live in dominion, riding through the storms of life in the strength of the Holy Ghost.
  4. Raise a generation of believers who love in deed and action, accepting one another without discrimination or bias of status, religion, tribe or race (for God so love the world… John 3:16)
  5. Seek for the disadvantage, destitute, lost and the poor; helping them to become heroes of faith through the word, prayer and the Spirit of God
  6. Raise pillars of change among the Christian community and the world generally
  7. Help to build homes into sanctuary of life and love; bringing bliss to families

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