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School of Purpose
This quiz is to enhance your understanding of your purpose. Follow through and check the answer after attempting it.
1 / 24
God's will is easy to know because it is planted within our heart. Which of these words of Christ answers this:
2 / 24
According to God's word to Jeremiah in Jeremiah 1:5, how long has God known us?
3 / 24
Exodus 25:40 tells us to build according to the pattern shown to us. According to this passage, what pattern should we fashion our lives.
4 / 24
Psalm 115:16 affirms that while the heavens belong to the Lord, the earth is given to the children of men.
For a world changers, this means:
5 / 24
Working for the Kingdom according to Jesus means
6 / 24
The ultimate call is not a call to the pulpit. What does this mean?
7 / 24
Wealth creation and amassing of riches isn't the primary reason for the utilisation of our gifts
8 / 24
Moses, Bezaleel, and Aholiab, reminded us that our abilities are meant to be directed towards the service of a higher cause.
9 / 24
The sun illuminates the world, the moon controls the tides, and even the animals in the forest play a part in the intricate balance of nature.
The above statement means that:
10 / 24
To know our purpose:
11 / 24
Except one of the options: The preordained lives of ......... shows that we too have preordained purposes here on earth.
12 / 24
Everything created reinforces that we are made for certain purposes. True or false
13 / 24
Acts 17:26 provides a glimpse into the intricate tapestry of God’s design. It states, “And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation.”
It simply means the following except:
14 / 24
Primarily, your gifts, talents, skills and abilities are purposed by God as tool to:
15 / 24
Which reason is most suitable to lead us to readily want to embrace God's purpose?
16 / 24
We can know God's purpose through:
17 / 24
The following people except one helps us to know that we are all created to fulfill certain specific purposes:
Read through the link below:
The First LeaderThe First Leader
18 / 24
Which of the following is true?
For further understanding read through the link
The First Leader The First Leader
19 / 24
God will not give you an assignment he hasn't equipped you to run
20 / 24
The journey of purpose don't start with things or how much you have but:
21 / 24
Everything Adam would ever need in its primary form were made available before he was born. What lesson of purpose do you learn there?
Find the wrong answer
22 / 24
Who you are is a matter of identity that
23 / 24
What you are is more important than who you are
24 / 24
You will find deeper meaning to your gifts and deploy them for greater use when
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The average score is 86%
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