Duration: 6 Weeks

When you don’t know where and how to begin in life; when you know your life is out of form and purposeless then Level 1 is specially made for you. It is the starter pack for a life of impact.

This course will lead you to the truth of the concept of the Kingdom responsibility of every child of God.

It is the most simplified design to help you into a life of discovery and purpose.

You will begin to walk in purpose as you become a person of impact.

In a nutshell, you will understand why you were born and how to make use of your natural gifts in the fulfilment of your divine purpose.

Running this program will lead you to rest and fulfilment as you are delivered from the oppressive influence of aimless life. It will help you to be committed to a higher purpose that will lead you to your better version and to the glory and praise of God.


  • Life Discovery and Purpose Reorientation
  • How to Remain Focus While Delivering Excellence
  • Master of a New Order
  • I Am Joseph
  • Miracle on the Way
  • The Leaders Handbook
  • Audio and Video content

NOTE: The course is Tuition-free (no enrolment fee). You only have to make a support for the manuals and certificate.

FEES: This class is tuition-free but Level 2 and 3 requires payment of a small enrolment fee.



Duration: 6 Weeks

Leadership influence grows on the wings of purpose and character (virtue). No bird flies on one wing, there’s a need for balance. For us to succeed greatly, we must build up virtue as we grow in our life of purpose.

Level 2 presents to us the necessary values required to sustain our leadership impact. By so doing, our lives will not crash on the way.

What sustains our leadership impact is virtue and character. We could discover our life purpose, and we could start making an impression but without virtue, we would make a shipwreck of the potential within us.

Level 2 leadership program offers us the ingredient for becoming effective and evergreen leaders. It is a program that offers us the secret to keeping us going as we look at the secret to overcoming obstacles in the ways of leaders who make a mark.

This program, if well attended, will help you to become fruitful in your walk as a Christian and leader.


  • Leadership and Character
  • The Leaders Handbook
  • The Rise and Fall of Nations: The Roles of Covenant Children in Nation Building
  • The Baby Steps into the Life of Righteousness
  • I Am Joseph
  • Audio and Video content

Note: You can only start the Level 2 Course after completion of Level 1


Duration: 6 Weeks

This leadership course aims at helping leaders to become effective and strategic in their exercise of influence on their world.

This details how a leader can grow their capacity and reach a larger community.

This program shows us how world leaders and biblical leaders achieve greatness.

It is a program you will not want to miss for anything.

We have developed tools and modules to steer you forward with a high intensity of focus as you have never known before. This is done through audio, videos, workbooks and e-book materials as content and programs to lead you into your best life.


  • David
  • Be Limitless
  • Game Changer for National Transformation
  • The Leaders Handbook
  • Your Blueprint to Financial Freedom and Success in Life
  • The Game Changer for Workplace Excellence
  • Audio and Video content

Note: You can only start the Level 3 Course after completion of Levels 1 & 2

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