I laugh…

The title is very funny. Yet today’s topic is so special I want you to follow it with all your heart because it could help reposition your thinking about life and how to get the best from it.

I’ve been asking this question over and over again: Why will people always want to pay for ideas, prayer, business, etc. Especially that everything is fundamentally free in life!

When anything is free it is easily overlooked no matter the value. Put a gold at the centre of your table and be careless about it most people will take it casually except the few that know the value.

*Code 001 is about unveiling a rich truth to guide you into having the best life has for you through mental shift

The best thing in life are made available FREE. Products processed from this free source are termed to be quality products that are sold in the market places of life. Yet the basics for all that’s being sold and that will be made shall proceed from the FREE elements bestowed by God.

Ability to harness this FREE source leads to wealth and abundance.

You must learn to appreciate the value or FREE else you will run the average life all your life. Because you’ll be one of those who will always have to pay homage and royalty to those who know how to make use of the free gift of life. 


Jesus in his teaching said: Freely you receive freely give.

Those who enjoy the salvation pack to the full understand that everything is free and freely are we given of his grace, the anointing, the power, and the glory of God upon his children. They are free. Freely do we receive freely you are to give.

Even though the basics of God’s gift to humanity represented in our salvation and the coming of Christ is free, many individuals can never fathom it or accept that it is free.

This is why you see many Christians out there will not be satisfied when prayers are made free of charge. When they are not buying or purchasing anything to be used they feel restless and uncomfortable.

I’ve heard of people who pay as much as a million for prayer materials like anointing oil, water, umbrella, etc.

It is not their fault, it is how they are wired. They are designed to follow and they can never emerged to lead because they believe they have to pay somebody who got it free in order for them to also enjoy such opportunities and grace.

Isaiah chapter 55 spoke loudly: why buy things you could get FREE ??

The Bible correctly said it: As a man thinketh so is he.

If you want to experience the best of salvation change the way you think. Believe the best of God is freely given to mankind. Then you too can know the depth, the height, and the width of the love of God towards us all. Hallelujah.



I want us to take a look at the richest people in the world. Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and the likes. When you look at the kind of wealth they command it is in such large chunk that money transactions alone cannot give them in their lifetime. They created products around their free talents, abilities, capacities, or training to emerge as stupendously rich individual in our world.

I know some of us will argue with me till thy kingdom come. This is where the average mind and the great mind separates.

Let’s come to our religious world. The great projects of Adeboye, Kenneth Copeland, TD Jakes, etc all came into the fore by relying heavily on the elements of Grace, anointing, and capacity. Remember that these people I mentioned were all once poor.

Money as obvious as it is, is a FREE GIFT. All is required of you is the heart to receive. Are you ready to receive your allotted words for a life of impact?

For understanding I want us to look at Google search engine. It was a free platform converted to enormous wealth.

When you continue to think of wealth from how much you have in your pocket or what you don’t have you will never be wealthy in life

Wealth is firstly an infusion of thought within you. The thought which is freely given now drives you to create it’s equivalent in your world.

I don’t always have cash on me but I have really never thought of myself as being a poor person. It’s a mental shift, a way of thinking and a way of life.

Fundamentally man is created wealthy. Ignorance is what drives man into poverty.


Because of space and time I will bring this together to consist of every other creation of God: the land, the gold, the air, the dust, the silver, etc. Everything were created free. Men turn them to wealth.

For you to succeed in life you must find a way of harnessing the free gift of God.



I want to say this point blank.

If you cannot connect and harness the free gift of salvation which is more superior but basic, you will end up the most miserable person here on Earth.

Every Christian should know that the veil of access has been torn. Everyone has equal access to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant.

Understand the role of the preacher and the teacher. They are to help us and guide us to Jesus. They are never to take the place of Jesus. And in the New testament there’s no need of any medium or substance. Any other medium leads to idolatry.

Salvation is a free gift. Have you receive Christ into your heart?

Our Father and God, we thank you for tonight.

Lord Jesus, we ask that you enter as many hearts that are ready to follow you the rest of their life.

Let them understand that salvation is free and help them to live in that reality.

Thank you Father.


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