Lesson for Relationship


Sometimes ago, my family was going outing, we got to a vehicle but the driver was carried away in pursuit of two other passengers. I was calling but he was in hot pursuit of wrong passengers.

Then we turned to somebody who without struggling got us in. The first transporter came without achieving the goal. The people he went after were not going his way. The second driver was happy, without sweating he got us in and we drove off. While the first driver came back empty handed.

Don’t go after the wrong relationship.
This is life playing out before us:

A guy has a lady around him who is interested in him. Instead of starting out with her he ignores her and go after another lady. The other lady he is running after is not interested in him. After a couple of years she gets married to her love. The guy comes back jaded and empty handed.

He comes back to the lady he ought to start off with earlier. Then he realizes that she too had moved on. This is how some guys and ladies become old bachelor’s and spinsters.

God doesn’t make getting a spouse a mountain to climb. When we need a spouse, he brings one to us. But we often fail to recognize him or her. Carelessly we go after lies.

Learn from the Almighty himself, he doesn’t use the high and mighty. Instead, he uses the available and turn them into treasure. You don’t marry somebody who you like, you marry somebody who’s available, that loves you and cherishes you. Don’t go after someone who will merely tolerate you.

In relationship, no side is doing the other partner a favour, it is a mutual concession.
Who is at the bus stop of your life, that respects your dreams and purposes? He or she may be the person you failed to recognize.

There’s treasure everywhere; only if we have a discerning heart to see.

Prayer: Lord, give us the discerning heart to see clearly.


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