Inspiring the New Generation 3


Many times we call on God to come solve some problems; the same problem he is looking at us to solve. This is because he has planted within man the capacity to solve earth’s problems. The purpose of prayer is to get the blueprints, the design, the anointing and to receive the life force to deal with opposition and powers.

This is why God would always have somebody as his lieutenant, somebody he could count on. The story of the Bible is that of individuals, personalities and people who stood for God and had the power of God flow through them to deal valiantly with world problem.

Today, as you call on God, ask him: Lord, what would you have me do.

These understanding will reduce incidences of wasted prayers. Many prayers with their intensity and passion are empty babble as a result of ignorance. God will not do what he has designed man to do. When you need a child you sleep with your spouse and when you need money you become productive and economically useful.

True and lasting financial freedom lifestyle comes from useful endeavour and exchanges; God will lead you to solve people’s problems in exchange for financial flow or favour. If you are one of those who always pray that somebody give you money, you are only tending towards a beggarly life and not being heroic in contemplation, design and purpose. May you gain wisdom in Jesus name.

Let your prayer lead you to learn on how to do things in your world. You are God’s representative and you are a problem solver; a world changer. God wants a stand-in representative of an earthly man to solve an earthly problem; for he has given man dominion by his Spirit and power.

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