Inspiring a New Generation 2


All problems are not from satan. Some are deliberately planted by God to develop you into the fullness of who you should be. Do you know that muscle unused atrophies (die)? When you exercise, you don’t seem to love it yet you have to exercise to keep fit. In the gym, the exercise keeps you fit and stronger.

In the same vein, no life is completely fit for this earth that runs away from every inconvenience. Those who hold tight to their comfort zones rarely grow to become something spectacular. When you have stayed long in that challenging situation, job, marriage, business divine powers permeate it and help turns it around; many times, without any special effort from you the light suddenly turns on. It happens just because you stayed longer to confront the problem. This can be seen more in research and academic works.

The children of Israel while traveling to the Promise Land met with war. God while accounting for this said he allowed it so that they would be trained in the art of warfare. The tendency into addiction is your opportunity to say NO to destructive habit. The challenges of your society is your ability to become a drum major, don’t blend.

Israel’s army saw a giant who was too big to be confronted, but David saw a giant who was too big to miss. The lens that is convex on one side will show you a concave pattern on the other side. Take a new perspective about problems today and you will grow in your capacity as a world problem solver. Don’t be immobilize or paralyze by the situation.

Generals are made in war. There is no star without scars. Design your own means of carrying that problem until it turn around to your expected end. The Bible says, the expectation of the just shall not be cut off. Change your perspective to problems; problems are meant to be solved.

Some problems will not disappear by only prayer rhetoric; they will disappear by being solved. You would not solve world hunger just on your knee, you would have to plant the seed. A nation will not kiss greatness until certain people lead its productive sectors.

Are you solving that problem or just praying? Ask God for grace to understand what to do.

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