Bolu has gone to town to rent a well furnished three bedroom flat for Betty and him. He has the free cash to dole out courtesy of Stanley. He is sure more is still on the way. After the first Two Million, Stanley sends in another Two Million.

“Do me the favour of getting Susan to me,” Stanley speaks, “and I will make you very rich.”

Stanley is exceedingly wealthy and he has large chunk of cash from personal businesses. Looking at his dad’s vast empire with sprawling businesses, hospital networks and his political association, Stanley can never know poverty all his life if he has to spend a million every day; he is the first son of three children of Dr Boudaha. His family business stakes gives more than Five Million every day. So it is not an exaggeration if he says he can make anyone very rich.

“Trust my game Mr Stanley;” Bolu says confidently, “It is a matter of time Susan will oblige to come to you. Women will always be women.”

“Ok. But what is the game plan since she would not listen to you when you discuss it with her earlier to make switch to me?”

Bolu rubs his head trying to conjure a thought out: “We will use one of the police detective tactics.”


Bolu smiles confidently: “The pull and push method. When police want to deal with an accuse. The first policeman will use rough method to deal with the accuse person – the push method. Then the second policeman will come later to use the entreaty and friendly method – the pull method. The accuse will believe the soft speaking guy is the friend and he will move closer and divulge the needed information.

“I will become demonically harsh to Susan. I am going to be worse in my approach. Then at the peak, you will walk in as the savior; the good man. She would not know that we are partner in progress.”

Stanley watches at Bolu derisively and shakes his head: “Bolu, you are such a lucky guy; but you are wicked.”

“It is like you don’t want Susan again?”

“Even if I don’t want her before, I wouldn’t watch such a callous soul maltreat the lady I once loved. My own question too: Do you still want to become rich?”

Bolu smiles sheepishly: “At your service sir.”

Stanley stands to his feet with tears welling up in his eyes. He wonders how Susan gets herself entangle with this beast of a man. Then he finds out he has a part in the whole mess of her life. He hopes he can help remedied her state and status.

“Susan, I am sorry.” He speaks to himself as he drives away.

Stanley remembers how they became friends in their school days. He is a bit older in the third year when Susan gains admission into the school. He is the head of the Organizing Unit in the fellowship. He sees the innocence in Susan and he is interested in her firstly as the preserver of the good girl in her.
He remembers vividly the first encounter as she walks towards him.

“I want to join the Organizing Team.” She said.

“You’re welcome.”

He would sit her down and make her understand the intricate system that runs the campus. Like a dutiful and obedient girl Susan follows every of his advice; making him her elder brother on campus.

He would often tell Susan: “Live a covered life, don’t be exposed to the vultures.”

Then she will follow with questions to help her understand him.

Stanley explains one of those days: “A covered life simply means a simple lifestyle laid on chastity and virtue which reflects in good clothing which is modest and befitting like that of queens not that of the harlots. A covered life also requires bridled talks.

“The vultures are those who have the capacity to bring regret into your life. The cult guys will track down the girl they want, but they too are afraid of the fire of God when it surrounds God’s own. They too can see. They wouldn’t come to you if you’re not exposed.

Bad eggs are also found among the lecturers who feast on young girls around the campus. In the same light, they rarely meddle with children of the most high.

“You cannot dress anyhow and be addressed with honour. Even the palaces of kings have dress codes. If you don’t want a mistaken identity, dress appropriately every time.”

“Thank you,” she would often reply appreciatively.

We could say that Stanley is the spiritual figure that nurtures Susan. Then the young girl becomes a firebrand, eloquent and powerful in words and her lifestyle becomes an example on campus. She isn’t just good at the school Christian fellowship meetings; she is an excellent girl academically.

In no time Susan the naïve small girl has bloom into full womanhood like the tender fresh flower in the morning favoured by the rising sun. She is a delicate and affirming lady who is simply beautiful and is remarkably tall and striking. She has bright oval eyes specially carved within their sockets indicating a lady set to take on the future with the strength and dexterity of a young female panther.

Her skin was smooth like the smooth stone washed in the deepest sea thousands of year and over. She stands apart, so is she to all the new comers who are drawn towards her scented beauty. She has a smile that endear like the beautiful Oluji chocolate powder simmered in hot water and honey. She has emerged an African queen in dexterity and calms; a cynosure and pear of inestimable value.

Stanley is always the dutiful big brother. He is well nurtured he would never abuse the privilege of supervising the girl the Lord has put in his care. He has the fear of the Lord in him.

Many brethren began to move closer to her but she kept aloof from muddling her education with love affairs. She has the discipline to dedicate, demarcate and manage her life for optimum achievement. She is not in Russia to rush over any area of life.

She tells all who want to hear: “If the Lord has spoken that I am your wife he will inform you to be patient with me.” This is how she disengages everyone of the brothers that comes around her.

One guy comes to mind, Doye. He will not take no for an answer. He is like the assistant to God. He would always come with impressive visions of heaven. He has nothing less than ten of those kinds.


“Yes, Doye is that another vision?”

“This one is different. Let me tell you. I saw it clearly. We were already grown up. I went to the office, coming back you were already waiting by the door. You ran to me and hug me. I saw it, you are my wife. Susan, I love you please.”

“Doye, go to your hostel, I have not seen it please.”

“What do you say about the vision,” Doye pleads.

“I too should see it Doye.” Doye could not penetrate the thick unassailable wall. Susan is determined to get through school in flying colours. When Susan believes in a cause she is not easy to be swayed. She has a heart as solid as the rock of Gibraltar about finishing school before entertaining love.

Stanley happens to be her confidant. She tells him everything and her plans about the future. Sometimes they both giggle over her experiences in the hands of diehard suitors.

Susan builds her resoluteness also partly on the basis of her background. She isn’t from a wealthy family. They live from hand to mouth, but they don’t beg for a living. Her dad is a teacher in a secondary school in the village. Her mom is only a petty trader who also lives more on the dad’s salary. She remembers that many times she would be reminded to remember the daughter of who she is.

She barely survives on what she has in school because it is paltry. Yet no one knows because she has the self-esteem compared to those of angels. She is very contented that she gives no room for pity party. Stanley as a friend, confidant and very observant person will not leave her to struggle.

He is a friend in deed. One day he smuggled her bank account number and pay in good amount to support her.

“Stanley, I am afraid.”

“What is it?”

“Somebody paid into my account huge sum of money that could last me the rest of my stay in school.”

“That is unbelievable Susan,” Stanley pretended not to know.

“This is true, I was at the bank to disclose that I have no one or relative that could help with such sum.”

“What now happened?”

“The bank staffs were laughing at the drama I was creating.”

Stanley too begins to laugh: “Funny but amazing. What now happen?”

“They told me it wasn’t an accident that the payer of the sum deliberately didn’t want to disclose it that I can go and enjoy my luck. But Stanley I am afraid.”

“Do you still believe in angels?”

“Haaa, I don’t want police trouble ohhh!” she exclaimed.

“Do you believe God can solve any problem by any means?”

She is calmer: “Yes I believe Stanley.”

The angel drops more and more until Susan’s status changes dramatically.

She would come to church and testify about the mysterious angel and everyone’s mouth will be wide opened with amazement.

It takes very long time after schooling that she gets to know that Stanley is her angel on assignment.

She is now in her third year while Brother Stanley was in the final year as an engineering student.

In few weeks to come Stanley will be out of campus as an alumni. Susan has began to miss him. Stanley on the other side was glad but he felt there is an uncompleted assignment.

Many of his mates are already in one relationship or the other. Jude, John and Victor; they all have a girl each to call their future wife. This makes an impression on him. He takes off for prayers for some days to get insight into who could come into his life and illuminate it.

He remembers an old hymn: “Will I go empty handed?”

He muses

Immediately he began to pray, a butterfly fly away from him. Such a beautiful creature he looks on as it disappears.

He would not want to be distracted but he is already distracted. Another butterfly is flying through his bowel, he loves the feeling but that isn’t his expectation. He wants something grand.

“Oh no God. God forbids.”

He loves the feeling but he cannot come down from his high horse.

How would he go about this love affair? He felt it is awkward so he tries to snuff it out. He tries as much as he can yet he began to feel an increasing gnawing hold of love every passing day as he wants to avoid the seemingly condescending thought.

“How can I fall in love with Susan the small girl of yesterday?” He asks himself.

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