Listen to Natural Voice

Good afternoon/evening depending on your time zone. I hope you’ve a great day sir/ma.

This is another beautiful day.

We hope we will position ourselves as instruments of impact and glory in Jesus name.

Today, we want to open our eyes to certain hidden truth as it is plainly written in the Bible.

Man finds it easy to blame others when things go awry… Husband will shift the fault of lack on his wife even when he sleeps all day at home without work.

Wives too will blame there husband even they are add nothing back home than being a baby machine.

This same attitude we take into government.

Citizens blame the leader, and the leaders in turn blame the citizens.

The simple truth is, we are all part of the failure.

*When you want your society or nation to get better you’ve a role to play; especially when you’re a covenant child.*

Let us see the Bible and see things for ourselves:

Often, it’s the sinfulness of the people that brings pain and right doing that brings good.

So when you see a nation in war, it’s deeper than blaming just the leaders. When you see a corrupt nation, it’s not just the president and politicians that are corrupt.

Check well.

It’s easy to blame the leader but we need to know that often the leader is a reflection of the state of the health of the nation.

This means when a society is in a deep hole, each of us has to look at how much we contribute to the mess.

Remember, the whole is made up of the units.

Government is not a few individuals, we are part of the government.

This inherently means that you have a part to play.

This is why national revival will often and likely begin with a man/woman.

Somebody will stand and start the pattern of right, righteousness and prayer.

Will you be the person?

2 Chronicles 7:13-15 KJV

If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people;

[14] If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

[15] Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.

We can learn so much here:

1. Many havoc aren’t the work of the devil – God drives some due to our ways.

2. Our ways open up doors to calamity.

3. No matter the pain caused by sin, prayer and repentance can heal it.

4. Stopping wickedness is a channel to blessings.

So we need to know that national punishment is as a result of collective wickedness.

We all need to search ourselves: which area am I contributing to the collective wickedness (sin)?

Here are some sins we need to watch:

1. Do I struggle with other people’s progress?

2. Am I selfish and drive for only personal gain alone?

3. Do I embezzle and misappropriate public resources?

4. Am I immoral and full of unclean behaviour?

5. Am I a murderer or rejoices in killings?

6. Do I cheat others from their wages?

7. Do I enslave or take others hostage?

8. Preaching for pecuniary gains

9. What other sin can you imagine?

*Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach*

Proverbs 14:34 KJV

Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.

So when next we are blaming the politicians, leaders in government and our bosses; let’s ask ourselves how much we contribute to the mess in our world.

This is not an indictment, it will only help you to get better.

While writing this, I’ve to keep asking myself: How much do I contribute to the decay around.

He that thinks he stands should take heed lest he fall.

What unique role do Christian occupy now?

1. We should be the bridge to take the people from where they are to where they ought to be.

2. The Christian ought to be the example.

3. When things are bad in our nation, it’s time to ask for repentance and turning around. We need to be the vanguard of repentance instead of just passing the blame ball.

*When a nation turns back to God, the Lord knows how to judge the leaders and replace them with godly people. Change begins with each of us*

Above all, when government is nosediving into an abyss, let us represent righteousness. Being righteous turns the tide upward.

The evil of not turning back… Starting with each of us is that healing and the abundant life may be delayed.

Let repentance starts with you and let righteousness fill the entire earth. Amen.

On a final note, we determine the kind of leaders we have.

For nations plunging downward, the Spiritual leaders should point to the appropriate thing to be done instead of playing politics and joining the bandwagon of blaming the evil leader who’s a scourge for sinfulness.

The evil leader cannot do better than to be evil… But when we change God knows how to deal with such and get planted his own.

Our spiritual position determines whether we win or lose:

The human agents and demonic power bows when we are tuned back to God; and God knows how to keep us safe starting with you when you’ve repented and become one with God.

May the Lord bless his words in our hearts in Jesus name.


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