Felix had come around regarding his health and was fit to leave the hospital but he wouldn’t leave in order to carry out his routine therapy with Mary.

The specialist recommended his continuous presence around Mary when she observed that ever since Felix came around Mary’s health had been improving with speed.

In spite of the insistence of Elder Mouton advice that he should go back to work and come only evenings to look upon her he refused.

‘I will be with her and by her side; by faith she will come around soon,” Felix said.

“But your piling jobs and progress of Experon is also important.”

“Not as important as Mary sir,” Felix answered. “More so, I have promised her to be by her side through ages – till the gangs of oceans dry up and all the mountains in the world melt; I’ll not give up on Mary for her health, life and love.”

Elder Mouton was fascinated and drew closer to sit beside him like a friend.

“The sign of elders is that they don’t rush to conclusion, especially those of us who are men; we see through issues before deciding. Great leaders should be like Jesus and shouldn’t judge by sight. I have a clear mind about you in spite of all that has happened.

“With all sincerity, tell me what happened between you and Helen? She’s pregnant for you and at the same time you claimed to love my daughter.”

“It is complex sir,” Felix managed to say, “Mary is aware of everything except the part about the pregnancy which I also got to know of very recently after Mary got into coma.” He told elder everything about his relationship with Helen.

Mary’s dad believed him and was gentle with the young man. “What are you going to do now that you’ve a woman carrying your baby? No matter what you say now you’ve to deal with the pregnancy issue first.” He left Felix and got into his car homeward from the hospital.

Felix dropped his head in his two hands as he became overwhelmed with the odds against him. Not very long, Agnes came into the hospital premises. She didn’t even seem to see Felix. Since the incidence she had been avoiding him and treating him like a leprous person.

“Agnes,” he ran abruptly towards her.

“Please don’t bother me, go to your Helen,” she walked past him towards Mary’s suite. There she met Mrs Mouton.

“Good evening Mom,” she greeted.

“My daughter,” she replied, “I thought you’re going to rest today and stay back home.”

“It’s a duty until she’s fine,” Agnes responded affectionately. She went close to check on Mary who was deep in sleep then came back to Mommy Mouton as she sat down beside her in a couch close by. “How about the bill ma?”

“Felix had paid everything before we got the wind of the total cost. Not only that, he made further deposit ahead.”

“Mother,” Agnes said, “I’m afraid for Mary. I hope he’s not going to be a snare to everyone of us.”

“I’m also afraid as a mother,” she placed her two palms on her breasts and she prayed silently. “Lord deliver us from temptation.”

“Amen,” Agnes said.

“Do you know something is not clear to me?”

“What’s it ma?”

“My husband is relax with Felix; this I’m not comfortable with. Whenever I see him, I always feel that hurt, that he made my daughter to be in that terrible state.

“My husband on the other hand believed that God knows about everything. He believe the scripture so much that he thought even this adverse situation is working out for good. I hope so.”

“I have another fear,” Agnes said, “this girl called Helen has to be monitored carefully.”

“Why Agnes?”

“Helen is bent on mischief as I can read that clearly on her face. My advice is that she should not be allowed to gain entry into Mary’s suite.”

“What will then happen?”

“I can’t point to it ma, but she’s up to something seeing how she vaunts herself about here in the hospital just to show to everyone who cares that she’s pregnant for Felix. Also, she may attack Mary’s emotion a second time when she’s fully conscious.”

Not very long after, Felix came in and greeted Mrs Mouton respectfully and waved Agnes. The latter didn’t respond in any way.

He went to Mary and sat down at his regular corner where he carried out his therapy on Mary. It was the doctor’s recommendation that Felix who seem to be the source of her pain should be close to her and help her heal back by showering her with overwhelming love. This he was willing to do.

According to the doctor, only love and sincere care can heal her back. True to her words, Mary began to get better as he comes around.

Felix placed his right hand on her head and caress her hair gently and mutter words to her in a gentle and caring way. Then he prayed over her with his hand still on her head. Then sat beside her for a long time. This was his usual practice, by doing this he was establishing his presence around her.

Few days later as he was with her talking to her (though she didn’t reply for once these past three weeks) with his hands stroking her hair gently over and over as he prays she suddenly opened her eyes and looked straight into Felix’s eyes with slight smile on her face.

Felix who this time was all alone with her was so joyous that he attracted people in the hospital premises. Then he called on the Moutons who were far at home. It was a miracle.

Although Mary had come back, her full recovery was gradual yet consistent. The third day new development sets in. She began to talk.

The first thing she said when Felix entered the room was: “Go for her, I can cope now.”

“For who?” Felix was confused.

“While in the deep world I heard that you have a wife, Helen and that she’s pregnant for you.” She spoke weakly. “I may not have strength to come by these long days gone by, my soul was aware of all that took place around me. I have also seen your care and love for me. But you have a wife already, and I wish you the best.”

Felix was dazed and confused. All he could do was come by her sick bed; put his hand in her weak hand as he broke down in tear weeping profusely.

“Believe me, Helen is a demon. Believe me, I love you dearly. You may be angry I got entangled but it’s you I loved.

“You may not want to marry me again. But please heal now, I beg you. For the love I have for you, I’ll sleep in this hospital for ages to stay by you and get you out of here.

” No matter what has happened, I caused it. Yet I want the best for you. I can’t watch you hurt. Please I’m sorry.

“Even if you refuse to marry me, I want you to know this: Helen won’t be my wife. Marriage cannot be contracted on the premise of accident or mistake.”

She wiped his face, then smiled and hugged him. Before she knows what tears poured down her face also: “Felix, I know you’ve sacrificed everything to be with me. I may not open my eyes these long period but I was conscious of your presence. I can perceive the fragrance of your deep love for me.

“Whatever you might have done, I have overlooked. The difficult thing for now is that we cannot overlook a pregnancy of a woman for you. It’s a difficult thing to undo.”

Felix was unsure what to do or say: “Thank you for your understanding.”

“Felix, I deeply love you. You have proved this. Only for this pregnancy” she said as she hugged him again with a weak smile spread over her face. “I’m still weak, I need a little sleep more.”

While holding Felix hand tightly she slept off so fast and deeply. This amazed Felix yet he attributed this kind of deep sleep as a result of her recent state of coma and the drugs she had been on for this long. He gently lay her back on the bed.

Felix was happy for her speed recovery, yet he had a nudging fear of losing the love of his life. He hoped he’s not being careless by being wittily entangled.


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