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Leader Wanted: Embracing Responsibility for a Transformed World.

The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD’S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men. Psalm 115:16.


In the realm of divine sovereignty, God has entrusted the earth to humanity, giving us the power to shape its destiny. However, many of us have fallen into the trap of irresponsibility, failing to recognize our role in the transformation of the world. We often wait for someone else, even God Himself, to solve the problems that plague our planet. But the truth is, God has already equipped us with the ability to bring about positive change. Within each of us lies a spark of the divine, granting us the power to influence the course of the world. It is time to embrace our responsibility and take action.

The Fallacy of Waiting:

Far too often, we find ourselves waiting for God to intervene, expecting Him to fix the issues that confront us. We mistakenly believe that as the creator of all things, God should shoulder the responsibility for everything. In this mindset, many have spent their entire lives waiting for a divine intervention, neglecting their own potential to contribute to the world’s betterment. However, God has given us the capacity to transform the earth and shape a desirable future. Each one of us possesses a divine essence within, granting us the power to make a difference.

The Omnipotent Potential of Humanity:

We must recognize that when it comes to the earth, humanity holds great power. Endowed with a spark of the divine, we have the ability to change the course of events for the better. We are not helpless observers but active participants in the world’s transformation. While God’s sovereignty reigns, His hand moves through the actions of willing individuals who embrace their responsibility. By tapping into the divine within us, we can unleash tremendous potential and create meaningful impact.

The Consequences of Inaction:

If we continue to wait for God to come down and intervene, our world may spiral into chaos. Civilization may regress, and the helms of power may fall into the hands of those who perpetuate barbarism. Violence and bloodshed may become rampant, leaving our streets stained and our children destitute. The state of our lands may deteriorate into desolation. It is only when humanity takes action that God’s hand is activated.

The Call to Responsibility:

Careful observation reveals that societies and nations suffering from immense hardship, corruption, and war often bear the consequences of waiting for divine intervention without taking responsibility themselves. Their suffering only increases with each passing day, while they expect God to intervene. Delicate women are left impoverished and unclothed, children become emaciated, and men carry the burden of shame. God waits for a people, a state, and a nation to rise up and embrace their responsibility before releasing His Spirit and energy.

The Price of Progress:

History demonstrates that advancing societies are built on the shoulders of individuals who have paid the price of responsibility. Those who have made a significant impact on the world have not waited for others to act. They have recognized their own potential and seized the opportunity to effect change. The transformation of society begins with individuals who step forward, take risks, and devote themselves to a cause greater than themselves.

It is time to shed the fallacy of waiting for God or someone else to solve the world’s problems. The earth has been entrusted to us, and we possess the divine essence needed to shape its destiny. Embrace your responsibility and take action. Do not let civilization regress while you wait for divine intervention. Stand up, unleash your potential, and be a leader in the transformation of the world. Remember, progress comes to those who are willing to pay the price and take responsibility for creating a better future. The world needs leaders who will rise to the occasion and make a lasting impact.

Answering the Call to Solve Humanity’s Problems:

A society in decline is often characterized by the complacency and inaction of its people. It is a society where individuals fold their hands and remain nonchalant, unwilling to take up the responsibility of building and improving it. In the absence of leadership, a society lacks direction and advancement. The problems of corruption, moral decadence, terrorism, non-civilization, and backwardness are no longer solely God’s responsibility; they are the responsibility of the people. It is through the emergence of leaders that these problems can be addressed and solutions can be found. The world is in dire need of individuals who possess the vision, passion, and determination to lead and make a positive difference.

Defining Leadership:

A leader is someone who envisions an advanced state of society and inspires their team, people, and community to strive for it. They do so through spiritual, mental, and physical alertness, transforming disorderliness into orderliness and bringing beauty to chaos and confusion. A true leader instills a sense of responsibility in the people, empowering them to take charge of their own destiny. Without leaders, a society lacks the necessary guidance and direction for progress.

The Emergence of World Leaders:

Throughout history, the world has witnessed the emergence of leaders who have risen to address pressing issues and make significant contributions to humanity. Martin Luther King Jr. fought against racial segregation, becoming a drum major for bridging racial prejudice. William Wilberforce raised his voice for the downtrodden slaves, advocating for their freedom. Nelson Mandela embodied the spirit of struggle and liberation, leading South Africa out of the grips of apartheid. Desmond Tutu served as the moral compass of South Africa during the apartheid era. Abraham Lincoln redefined leadership, prioritizing the welfare of the common man. Bill Gates propelled the cause of information and communication technology, striving to make computers accessible to all.

Unresolved Problems and Your Calling:

While many problems persist in our world, each individual has the potential to become a new discovery by identifying and solving a specific issue. God has bestowed upon every person the ability to contribute to the betterment of humanity. Leaders are problem solvers, and their impact is felt when they address the challenges that plague our society. Consider the problems that resonate with you deeply. Is it poverty, climate change, education, healthcare, or something else entirely? Your calling lies within the realm of solving these problems. By taking on the responsibility of finding solutions, you can become a catalyst for change.


The world is in need of leaders who will rise up and address the pressing problems that afflict humanity. A complacent and indifferent society can only be transformed through the visionary leadership of individuals who are willing to take up the mantle of responsibility. As a leader, you have the power to envision an advanced state, rally others towards a common goal, and inspire positive change. Identify the problems that resonate with your heart and take action to solve them. Remember, leaders are wanted, and your contribution can make a profound difference in the world. Embrace your calling and be the change you wish to see.

What problems are you called to solve for humanity?


World Changers Christian Leadership School is set up to launch the emerging leaders into the heartbeat of God: taking the word of God to heal the societal maladies in their various forms.

On this premise, we would be raising men who have the capacity to transform the different sectors of the society starting with the church. To be a student, WhatsApp +2348033750871

*** Contact Us if you want to run a World Changers Leadership School in Your Community, WhatsApp +2348033750871

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