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Title: Discovering Purpose: Unveiling the Path to Fulfillment and Preeminence.


In the journey of life, many of us find ourselves struggling, grappling with feelings of inadequacy and a sense of being disconnected from our true calling. However, the root cause of our struggles may not be laziness or lack of effort but rather living outside the divine plan orchestrated by God.

When we discover our purpose, everything changes. In this article, we will explore the transformative power of purpose and draw lessons from the celestial bodies to understand the importance of staying in our appointed roles.

The Significance of Purpose:

Purpose is the compass that guides us, propels us forward, and infuses our lives with meaning and fulfillment. It is through the alignment with our purpose that struggles dissipate, and a sense of harmony and flow emerges. Just like the celestial bodies that effortlessly move in their different seasons and courses, those who live in purpose experience a natural ease and grace in navigating life’s challenges.

Lessons from the Starry Hosts:

The Scriptures in 1 Corinthians 15:40-41 draw our attention to the diverse glories of celestial and terrestrial bodies. Each has its own unique glory, and even among the celestial bodies, there are differences in glory. Just as the sun, moon, and stars possess distinct glories, each one fulfilling its designated role, so too do our individual destinies bear unique purposes and moments of preeminence.

The Role of the Moon:

Consider the moon, which reigns during the night. Although it may not possess the same magnificent dominion as the sun, it has its own relevance and purpose. Similarly, every destiny has its moment of preeminence when we abide in our purpose. The challenge lies in avoiding the temptation to crisscross throughout our lifetime, abandoning our designated role and diminishing our potential for preeminence.

The Importance of Staying in Our Office:

Our office, metaphorically representing our purpose, provides the provision and fulfillment we seek in life. Just as being employed in a specific position determines the kind of provision we receive, living in alignment with our purpose allows us to tap into the abundant blessings and opportunities intended for us. Straying from our office limits our potential and hinders us from experiencing the fullness of what we were meant to achieve.
Discovering and embracing our purpose is a transformative journey that leads to a life of fulfillment and preeminence. Let us strive to live in purpose, allowing God to guide us towards our appointed office, where we can experience provision, fulfillment, and a life of profound meaning. May we be deeply reached and guided by God’s direction for the rest of our lives through this discussion.

Embracing Our Spiritual Offices:

In the spiritual realm, many of us have unknowingly vacated our offices, leaving us devoid of the glory that rightfully belongs to us.

Again, we can draw inspiration from the celestial bodies such as the sun, moon, and stars, we can learn valuable lessons about staying on course and fulfilling our purpose from generation to generation. Just as stars that deviate from their course crash as falling stars, when we abandon our offices and neglect our purpose and destiny, we too experience a fall from grace. This article explores the significance of staying in our spiritual offices and fulfilling our primary assignments, highlighting the importance of aligning with God’s plan for our lives.

The Pitfalls of Neglecting Our Offices:

Living in alignment with our purpose and destiny is not solely about occupying pastoral or ministry roles. Many individuals, including pastors, have forsaken their true callings and become imprisoned by the allure of the pulpit. This diversion often leads to a disconnect from their intended destinies. It is crucial to understand that fulfilling our primary assignments lays the foundation for any secondary assignments to be accomplished as God wills. We must prioritize our primary purpose and allow the secondary aspects of our calling to align with it.

Lessons from Elijah’s Example:

Examining the life of the prophet Elijah provides us with valuable insights. Although Elijah was called into ministry, his primary assignment was not solely focused on building a physical church. Instead, his calling was to raise leaders in all spheres of life.

Similarly, God instructed Elijah to anoint Hazael, Jehu, and Elisha, highlighting the importance of fulfilling diverse assignments that contribute to the greater purpose. This demonstrates that our purpose extends beyond traditional expectations, and our impact may lie in unexpected areas.

Discovering Our Purpose:

Unlike the sun and moon, whose purpose remains constant, discovering our individual purpose is often a journey of *intuition, *exploration, *utilization, and *experience. God’s calling may not come to us easily or instantaneously but through a process of self-discovery.

Drawing from the example of Samuel, who discerned God’s call after three attempts, we understand the significance of listening to our intuition and seeking guidance from those with wisdom and experience. It is through a combination of introspection, exploration, active use of our talents and gifts, and learning from life’s experiences that we come to understand our purpose.

Embracing Our Purpose:

In the pursuit of purpose, financial rewards alone cannot provide the fulfillment we seek. Embracing our calling and fulfilling our primary assignments bestows upon us a grace that surpasses material compensation. When we operate within our designated offices, aligned with our purpose, we tap into a profound sense of satisfaction and meaning that transcends monetary value.

In the spiritual realm, it is essential for us to recognize and embrace our offices, fulfilling our purpose and destiny. Just as the celestial bodies follow their predetermined courses, we too must stay on track to avoid a fall from grace. We should not confine purpose to specific roles but rather seek to fulfill our primary assignments, understanding that secondary tasks will naturally align as we faithfully pursue our calling.

A Journey of Divine Intervention and Self-Discovery:

In the year 2009, I received a profound message from God, promising a sign if I dedicated myself to a nation-building project. Despite being at my lowest point, I took a leap of faith and produced stickers representing the calling He placed on my heart. Miraculously, a breakthrough ensued, resolving an imminent financial crisis. This experience and many others have shown me that divine interventions occur abundantly when our hearts are aligned with God’s purpose. In this article, we delve into the transformative power of purpose, exploring how being grounded in our calling opens the doors to heavenly blessings.

The Ground Softens in Pursuit of Purpose:

When we operate within the realm of our purpose, we witness a remarkable phenomenon—the ground beneath us softens. Just as Jordan was a place of validation for Jesus, our purpose serves as our spiritual Jordan, a space where our calling finds its ultimate affirmation. By walking in obedience and arriving at our appointed place, we invite the heavens to open over us, paving the way for divine favor, blessings, and breakthroughs. Who wouldn’t desire an open heaven, where God’s grace flows freely into every aspect of our lives?

Understanding Primary and Secondary Assignments:

It is vital to distinguish between what we like to do and what we are truly called to do. While certain activities may captivate our interests, they may not align with our primary assignment.

I recall a time when I was captivated by the scenic beauty of farming and agricultural activities. However, I soon realized that farming was not my primary calling. Only by identifying and fulfilling our primary assignments can we effortlessly carry out our secondary assignments. We can draw inspiration from remarkable men of God who have excelled in their ministries while simultaneously expanding into other sectors, such as education, healthcare, entertainment, and publishing. They prioritize their primary calling while making a significant impact through diversified expressions of their purpose.

Embracing Divine Course:

It is crucial to remember that pursuing personal preferences at the expense of our purpose can lead to distractions and wasted time. Sugar may be enjoyable, but it is not the best food for our bodies. Likewise, compromising our purpose for short-term gratification can hinder our progress. We need to stay on our divine course, prioritizing what aligns with our calling and rejecting what deviates us from it. Just as Lot, the nephew of Abraham, experienced setbacks when he chose a path that deviated from his purpose, we must remain steadfast and focused on fulfilling our divine assignments.

Action Steps to Manifest Your Purpose:

1. Let Your Actions Validate Your Purpose: Ensure that every action and effort you undertake aligns with the expression of your calling. Let your life be a testament to the divine purpose within you.

2. Consistency Breeds Noticeability: Stay committed to your purpose, for in due time, your purpose will become noticeable. Your consistent dedication and alignment will set you apart from the crowd.

3. Embrace Diverse Platforms: Remember that fulfilling your purpose does not necessarily mean starting a church or creating your own show. Be open to utilizing any platform available to you for the expression of your calling.

4. Create Your Space: Don’t wait for others to grant you opportunities. Seize the moment and create your own space. Be proactive in pursuing avenues that allow your purpose to shine.

5. Value Yourself First: The world will not value you until you value yourself. Cultivate a strong sense of self-worth and recognize the unique gifts and abilities within you. The value you place on yourself over time will shape the world’s perception of you.


As we embark on the journey of purpose, let us remember that our lives are meant for so much more than imitation or envy.

We round up by quoting Ralph Waldo Emerson:
There is a time in every man’s education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried.


World Changers Christian Leadership School is set up to launch the emerging leaders into the heartbeat of God: taking the word of God to heal the societal maladies in their various forms.

On this premise, we would be raising men who have the capacity to transform the different sectors of the society starting with the church. To be a student, WhatsApp +2348033750871

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