Leaders face crisis, followers run from crisis.

Your capacity to confront crisis will determine how far you’ll go in life.

We will continue with the story of Joseph we all know too well… The spice here is to see how it underscores leadership development within you.

Joseph got into Egypt as a slave boy. Within the shortest time he became head over the rest slaves and servants in Potiphar’s house.

He gained ascendancy in spite of crisis*

If you cannot rise in the time of local or global challenges, then little is your strength. The seed of the covenant are not localized by outward challenges. They soar in all season.
The seed of Abraham who walk in covenant cannot be bound!

That same seed was in Abraham, who went down to Egypt and came out wealthy.

In Isaac, though in famine he became richer than the nation of Philistines.

In Jacob, Joseph’s dad, he had just a staff down to Mesopotamia and came back home wealthy.

These are the forebears of Joseph. You are like those you look up to.

None of these people was held down by adversarial seasons of life.

Joseph knowing the history of his forebears and the standing covenant couldn’t be bowed by situation. No excuse is good enough to hold him down…

If you know your history, you’ll rise above the circumstances. Let me give you an example: American brand is a program that shows a people who cannot be held down…

If you watch an American movie a single man we often refer to as the *actor* will fight thousands and come out victorious. These kind of manifestation is ingrained within every American.

We have a better brand connected to the patriarchs and continue into Christ. In Christ we are indomitable, unassailable and unconquerable.

In Christ we hold the rule.

We are in another momentous season in the world… The rise and fall of many is imminent_

Covid19 has come with so many underlying crisis which will sink many. The truth of the matter is: what will sink many is the same force to help others to rise. Many of us will float above as we put crisis down.

The word that comes to mind is rapture…going upward. Covid19 and the global crises of the hour should lead us upward. Leaders don’t emerge in time of ease… They come up in crisis.

So if you want a life of meaning you’re going to learn how to embrace crisis. As a world class leader, don’t allow crisis define how you live your life.

Joseph ought to allow his life to drift along being sold a slave.

No… He changed the equation to his favour.

He made his life so valuable his master had to engage him.

Joseph changed the narrative. The slave turn around to decide how the show is run.

Joseph ruled amidst crisis.

Genesis 39:1-4 KJV
And Joseph was brought down to Egypt; and Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, captain of the guard, an Egyptian, bought him of the hands of the Ishmeelites, which had brought him down thither. [2] And the Lord was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian. [3] And his master saw that the Lord was with him, and that the Lord made all that he did to prosper in his hand. [4] And Joseph found grace in his sight, and he served him: and he made him overseer over his house, and all that he had he put into his hand.

Again, he was thrown into the prison through false accusation. There again, the warder made him head over all the prisoners.

Joseph didn’t bowed down to the negatives instead rose in spite of them all.

For a true believer, circumstances doesn’t define you but you ought to define situations around. Don’t bow your head helplessly. Don’t get confuse.

Don’t sink with the time.

*Like Joseph, whatever situation may confront you, make up your mind to be in dominion

Life answers to a determined soul. Even at the tower of Babel, God honoured the resolve of man, that nothing they made up their mind to do that they cannot achieve.

Joseph was not cheaply entrusted headship… His sense of responsibility earned him these places of relevance. We read how he was given headship but we failed to imagined his depth of commitments and sense of responsibility.
Remember, without responsibility, there can never be greatness.

It’s not a cheap thing for a stranger and slave to rise to become the head.
Remember, the pathway that took him there was crisis.
The easy life leads nowhere.

Joseph’s brethren at home amount to little…

Crisis is the crucible of fire that brings out the gold in us. The more the crises, the better the opportunity to become outstanding in life; albeit it is not self caused.

Amidst this crisis he had the inner strength to solve other people’s problem. It takes an inner strength to heal others while you are hurt… But this is the secret of strong people.

I AM JOSEPH*… This is the story to evoke a new you to stand tall in all season of your life.
Let nothing break you… Tough time never last.

Standing through the crisis hours takes us to the palace; knowing that the message you have for the palace is gotten from the affliction that comes your way in the prison. The secret of greatness is found in crisis.

Let me round up on this note, my best ideas were developed from my life’s story, and this story was not complete without loads of afflictions and crisis. Crisis are designed to make us tough for the assignment at the palace.

Do you know that the administrative principles of Joseph was learned at Potiphar’s house and in the prison. We can say unequivocally that Joseph was schooled in a slave house and in the prison.

The best school is crisis… When you go through without crashing you become a shining gem.

In rounding up I want to speak with those of us in the third world:

Never fall for the lies that it is the government and poverty of the land that keeps us down. Somebody committed suicide recently and he blamed the government and the economy. A truly developed child of God and a leader according to God’s settings cannot complain for such frivolous reasons. Nothing holds us down and we reign in all seasons of life.

Joseph amidst crisis was summoned by Pharaoh and he gave apt interpretation.

The next second he became the governor of Egypt. If crisis couldn’t hold Joseph down, how about you?

List the crises before you, make up your mind prayerfully that you will overcome them all. Tell yourself that you’ll not sink with the crises around you.

Whatever the crisis, may the Lord put you ahead of it in Jesus name.

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