When You Know

Understanding the Truth***

According to John 8:32 KJV, knowing the truth will set you free. Jesus taught the Pharisees that they needed to understand the truth, but they believed they were already free, despite being bound by Satan.

Similarly, many people today are involved in religious activities but remain oppressed by poverty, sickness, and despair. They can quote the Bible and speak eloquently about scripture, yet they are still in bondage.

The Power of Knowledge

Jesus wasn’t referring to head knowledge when he spoke of the truth setting us free. Knowledge must go beyond mere information to become effective in our lives.

The Pharisees were learned scholars, so Jesus was saying that true knowledge goes deeper than just the intellect. Knowledge must penetrate the heart and become part of our subconscious, where it can take root and shape our actions.

When the Word becomes flesh in us, we live it out effortlessly and produce results.

Applying the Message in Your Life

Going to church or quoting Bible verses won’t automatically change your life. Satan fears only those who have a revelation knowledge of the Word.

To apply the truth to your life, you must consciously accept it and meditate on it until it becomes part of your subconscious. When faced with challenges, spend more time on the Word and find specific answers to your problems.

Only those who do what the Word says will be justified.


Don’t settle for shallow knowledge like the Pharisees. Let the Word take root in your heart, and live it out to create miracles in your life.

God bless you.

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