The Dead Should Give Way – Go Forward

Don’t linger, the past is gone, the future is lay before you as a vast land yet to be harnessed. Why would you keep looking at what fails to work when there are thousands of opportunities begging to be tapped into if only you can lift yourself up and start again.

Don’t get so tied to those limits. Break the jinx, you are not defined by the ugly past, you can rewrite your story. You can regain your confidence boldly breaking through new frontier. Raise yourself, for God is with you.

Let the dead give way:

12 And Amasa wallowed in blood in the midst of the highway. And when the man saw that all the people stood still, he removed Amasa out of the highway into the field, and cast a cloth upon him, when he saw that every one that came by him stood still. 13 When he was removed out of the highway, all the people went on after Joab, to pursue after Sheba the son of Bichri. 2 Samuel 20:12-13

The story above was a very pathetic one. Amasa was a general in Israel army and was newly chosen by David as the commander of the army. Unfortunately, the deposed commander, Joab killed him wrongfully.

The aftermath was that his death brought a standstill to everything. The world stood still for Amasa. Has that dead situation in your life responsible for everything coming to a halt?

Amasa was a notable personality who drew so much reverence and to find such a gentleman in his blood was so unbearable they were ready to defy orders from the higher ranks.

Absalom’s rebellion was mounting up; the king, his people and entire army were about being engulfed. Yet, no one cared to fight: they gave up fight because Amasa was dead and soaked in his pool of blood.

Many of us have great destinies and the call of God our King is upon us but we fail to respond because our “Amasa” is dead. Instead of crossing over we stood by the dead job, smeared personality, disappointments financial challenges, unfaithfulness in relationship.

We knew we should act but we keep nursing the old wounds. Instead of moving on we keep nurturing our fear, bitterness, hate, frustration, and discouragement. Whatever we nurture festers and grows in proportion. Poverty grows even as prosperity grows; but in different direction.

Sometime in my past I have experienced fear grow so intense that I was becoming paranoid and intensely nervous; so bad that I was close to losing my sanity until I brace up, confront my fear by the word of God. I became fearless as I moved past my fear because I chose to believe God more than my circumstances. If you are ready, this book will help you through such experiences that are keeping you down and backward. This is a practical book to help you grow beyond the limits of life.

To fail to act is to leave Satan, the prince of rebellion to swallow us.

If you keep looking at the dead circumstance, you will never be able to turn the situation around, instead look up to Jesus the author and finisher of your faith. Some people lost their job, because they failed to take proactive steps to correct the circumstances they soon lose their health, home, wife and children in the process. Don’t allow the dead situation to linger on. Pull the dead Amasa out of your way!

It was when Amasa was taken out of the way that the battle continued and the rebellion of Absalom was stopped.

Whatever is keeping you and I from running on our divine assignment must give way in Jesus name. Also, whatever is keeping you from the enlarged life of God’s goodness is getting out of your way today. The challenge of yesterday is not worth keeping you from the joy ahead of you. The pain of yesterday should be your access to the joy of the future which starts now.

2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Heb 12:2-3

Question: What are the things that you see as limiting you from taking those steps you desired most? Identify such; list them in their specific forms. If you don’t know what is stopping you, you are not likely going to rise anymore.

Question: Jesus is quite an example of suffering and triumph. Around your neighbourhood or social circle, can you find an example of person who has been through similar experience and is back on his feet? This is an indication that you also can walk past your dead situation.

Some of us often say to ourselves: If not for that – and that reasons I would have been this – and this. Find out what is stopping you and move beyond them.

Do you believe you can get off those limits?

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