Finding Favour and Blessings

Becoming the “Certain Man”: Finding Favor and Blessings


During my recent Bible reading, I came across an intriguing story in the Book of John, Chapter 5, about an invalid man by the pool of Bethesda. This particular individual caught my attention because the Bible referred to him as a “certain man.” Despite the presence of many others with diverse challenges, Jesus Christ approached and ministered to this specific man. This revelation led me to contemplate the multitude of individuals in life who face various hardships, often remaining trapped in their pain and sorrow. However, there is hope for every person to find grace, mercy, prosperity, and deliverance. In this article, I invite you to become that “certain man” who attracts the love and favor of Christ.

Attracting God’s Favor

God does not dispense favor haphazardly; there is always an underlying attraction. In the case of the certain man by the pool, there must have been something that drew Jesus to him. Reflecting on this, let us pray that the Lord enables us to become attractive vessels of His love and favor. We should seek to cultivate a deep relationship with God, aligning our hearts with His purposes and living in obedience to His Word. Through prayer and a genuine pursuit of God’s presence, we position ourselves to receive His abundant blessings.

Prayer for Abundance and Breakthrough

Let us pray: “May I be the certain man for the next line of prosperity, promotion, abundance, healing, and help.” As we aspire to become the “certain man” in our own lives, we should hunger for the miraculous, the supernatural, and the divine assistance that only God can provide. Just as Joseph stood out among his brothers, David was anointed as king, and the widow of Zarephath received divine provision, let our hearts long for the extraordinary intervention of God. By fervently seeking His face, we position ourselves to be recipients of fresh help and favor.

Learning from Biblical Examples

Throughout the Bible, we encounter numerous individuals who were singled out in crowded places, finding themselves divinely appointed for extraordinary purposes. Consider Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, chosen to bring forth the Savior of the world. These individuals did not achieve this distinction by their own merits but rather by being open to God’s leading and surrendered to His will. Let us, too, earnestly desire to be instruments in the hands of God, ready to be used for His glory.


In a world where many people suffer silently in their trials, let us rise above the ordinary and become the “certain man” who attracts the attention of Jesus Christ. Through prayer, seeking God’s presence, and aligning our lives with His Word, we position ourselves to receive abundant blessings, favor, and breakthrough. Just as God showed His love and favor to specific individuals in the Bible, we can become vessels through which He pours out His goodness in our lives. May you be known as that “certain person” who receives fresh help, favor, and miraculous interventions from the Lord.

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