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God did not tell Gideon, you are going to be mighty, the scripture is plain, instead, he said: You are a mighty man of valour. You are created mighty, born with the gene of greatness. You are a special being constructed to do wonderful and marvellous things in righteousness. You are not going to become, you are!

The breath of God in Adam flows into every mortal man; this breath, the very life of God in man is the seed of greatness which we can exhibit anytime we chose to.

16 Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.
17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.
2 Cor 3:16,17,18

Any time we turn to believe God’s greatness to be ever flowing in us; the limits would automatically be broken.
The bulldozer by design is already a powerful tool in itself; its use only helps to reveal the inherent power in it. Every man aside from sin is created great by design from Adam to the last man. Our default setting as a human is greatness, abuse is what degenerate us into a powerless state.
The power in man is limitless; the minutest use of his power has created so many wonders in government, politics, health, science and technology. The breakthrough in the different fields of life is helping to showcase what is possible.

God is saying: I am with you, mighty man. This transposed that nothing ought to stop you. No limitation should be strong enough to stop you from achieving the purpose of God for your life. No force from the pit of hell should stop you from expressing the beauty, glory and abundance of God. No limitation.

The might of God should put off the limits and help you chart a glorious course. By his power that works mightily in you, you would find a way of shattering the vices in your life, bad habits and addictions.

Whatever is born of God overcomes the world; you have been made more than a conqueror already.

If God demands you do a thing, he has gone ahead to remove the limits. Your education cannot limit God, your family pedigree cannot stop him, witches and wizards become nothing, and your environment cannot impede. His power in you is enough to knock off the limits if only you believe and step in.

If you are inspired, you will do great things.

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