Building Up Power

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In today’s social media age, it is increasingly easy to measure our happiness and success by the number of likes, followers, and people attending our events. However, true power does not come from these external validations. Rather, it is built from within through spending time with God in the secret place of prayer and meditation.

John, who measures his self-worth through social media likes, and Jude, who judges his ministry by the number of attendees, are both at risk of losing their power. Building up power is not about increasing followers or outward displays of success. Instead, true power comes from developing a deep connection with God, from being alone with Him and seeking His will in our lives.

David is an example of this. Samuel anointed him, but it was God who chose David and instructed Samuel to anoint him. David had already paid his dues in the dark recesses of the wilderness, and God found him. Moses, too, had to spend forty years in exile and then encounter God at Mount Sinai before he could become a deliverer.

Even Jesus’ disciples were instructed to wait for the endowment of power before beginning their ministry. Luke 24:49 says, “And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.” Rushing to showcase our calling without first building up power can lead to frustration and failure.

In conclusion, true power is not conferred by humans, but it is developed through a personal relationship with God. External displays of power and success are ultimately unfulfilling without a strong foundation of internal strength and connection with God. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize spending time in the secret place, seeking God’s will, and building up power before stepping out to fulfill our calling.

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