Do You Know Anybody Who Has Given Up in Life?

Do you know of anybody who has given up in life?

We can help the people around us to learn to break the limits around them as they take lessons from these two icons, King David and Michelangelo. They exceeded the limits and were unstoppable in their days.

I know of somebody who refuses to love for many years because he was jilted; he came over it and got married. Another person refuses to step out to look for a job for a very long time after a series of disappointments. We can all overcome our limitations:

Nobody wants to be held bound and there’s nobody that wants to be confined within a box. But at certain points in life, we will all need help to keep moving.

We all want to express our best life. We want to make impression on our world and achieve our great aims in life. We want to smile and embrace the good life.

When a bad season strikes, many tend to go into hiding. Others give up their dreams and merely count days, one after the other until they die. This isn’t God’s plan for anyone.

You don’t have to be limited in any way. This is why we all need to learn the art and principles of becoming limitless in life.

To help you and your loved ones kick start your lives for the expression of excellence, I have brought together the wisdom and strategy of two icons: Michelangelo and King David from the Bible.

I want us to learn vital lessons from Michelangelo work of art, as he unlocks the masterpiece “David” from a piece of not-too-good marble. You too can bring beauty out of the ashes of life.

We also know full well that David was one of the most troubled kings of all time. He fought many wars and dealt with myriads of conflicts, yet he towers high above, overcoming every hurdle on his way. After more than three thousand years of his reign, he continues to be a relevant personality to learn from. King David.

We too can overcome the troubles and challenges in our lives.

Think of it again: What makes Michelangelo and King David unstoppable?


This brings me to why I’m telling you all this: I want you to download my book: Be Limitless – Let Nothing Stop You for only 99 cents, a friendship rate to help everyone far and near.

I guarantee you will love this specially crafted book for those who truly want to be unstoppable.

Give it a try.

Here’s the link. Click it now, before the world gets you sidetracked

Note: After reading the soft copy share your experiences or buy paper copies as gifts to your dear ones who seem to have given up on life. We can all become unstoppable.

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