God has created his schemes of how things should run here in our world.

Contravening these will lead to utter frustration.

I believe the reason why many of us are here is to learn so that we can move forward to build healthy relationships.

We also realise that some find it very difficult to find a suitable partner.

I’ll be glad if you are keen to follow to learn and adapt.

Somebody said that one of the hardest things for many people is to unlearn.

If you have been single (unmarried) for a very long time, you have to unlearn certain things and at the same time learn new tricks that will help you to begin a new course wherein many suitors will surround you. ?

And if you’re a man, you’ll have many ladies around to choose from. I want you to believe that it is possible.?

Let us pray:

Heavenly Father, I pray for your children that they receive the power and strength to receive these words and at the same time receive the power to bring forth after the words.

That they will be married very soon and with ease; especially those who are of marriageable age.

In Jesus’ name.

Let’s Begin:

From Bible days, answers often come from unexpected means or ends. This makes me remember Naman the leper. Also David against Goliath, and the widow with the small jar of oil.

Why I’m saying this is to help you prepare your mind that the answer often comes simplified.

I’m going to present the solution to late marriage in a sentence and I want you to read that sentence over and over again. When it makes meaning or sense to you, you will no longer have a problem getting somebody to be married to.

Don’t struggle with it, don’t argue with it. Just comply and you will see a miracle.

The solution to Late Marriage

Proverbs 18:24 KJV

A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

In a sentence:

If you want to be married you must be friendly.

Before you start arguing with this thought ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes.

Remember, the scripture cannot be broken.

We bow to the word of God, the word of God will not bow to us.


Solution to Late Marriage

Proverbs 18:24 KJV

A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

In a sentence:

If you want to be married you must be deeply friendly.

Some of us will argue that we are friendly to everybody around us already.

Remember, there’s a friend who is closer than a brother.

You even point us to your church members, colleagues at work, family, acquaintances and regular friends.

You too know that the relationship that leads to marriage is often deeper. Look at that same scripture in the book of proverbs 18:24 which says a man that has friends or that wants friends must show himself friendly. Then the next part of the scripture is what I want you to remember: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

If you want a relationship that leads to marriage you must nurture friendship to a higher depth.

You can’t mind your business alone if you want a partner.

You Ask Questions:

Find some in these statements…

I am a child of God and I am very good.

I mind my business.

I don’t hurt anyone and I don’t want anyone to hurt me.

I just want to be me. I live for myself and I am for me. Everything I am doing it for me.

I can take care of myself. I don’t want any liability.

And so on…

This is the answer…

When everything revolves around you you might find it very difficult to have a working relationship. Even though you are a good Christian.

Many good Christians are poor, sick, weak, and single.

Christianity without adaptability to working principle cause many to think that God’s words are not true.

Go beyond surface relationships and friendships go deeper, become sacrificial, and exceed the normal in terms of kindness, fairness, love and understanding.

When such seeds are abundant within and around you they will attract suitors just as the nectar attracts the bee?

Let us go into the Bible one more time.

In the book of Genesis chapter 24, we have the account of Abraham looking for a spouse for Isaac his son. He sent ahead Eleazar his servant to go forth and get him a lady from Mesopotamia.

On the way, the young man prayed: Lord, give me a woman who is caring and loving.

Rebecca was an answer to his prayer. In that chapter, we saw a woman that went the extra mile to make life conducive for a stranger. Simply, Rebecca showed herself as friendly and caring.

From the onset, she showed forth the attributes of a good wife.

Because of her friendly disposition, it wasn’t difficult for Eleazar to identify her and she became Isaac’s wife.

My Wife

My wife didn’t just happen to be my wife.

There were many ladies around me as regular friends. But when she came she stood out.

I like a friendly and caring person. I like to be treated special.

Note: when I met my wife she didn’t keep me special because she was looking for a husband. That was her nature. This she exemplified from the first day.

Since I met her until today she is somebody that I can regard as one of the most sacrificing ladies in the world.

Nobody will want to go for somebody who lives for himself or herself. Nobody wants a selfish partner. Nobody wants to marry somebody who lives within his or her shell.

You might be a very quiet person that doesn’t stop you from being a very caring and friendly person.

If you study Rebecca very well you will realise that she was a very quiet and shy person, yet she was friendly.

Today make it a habit to build quality relationships; deep and purposeful and sacrificial relationships. Make it a lifestyle.

At the same time, I’m not asking you to act it up, to pretend or to be under pressure.

What I’m saying is that you nurture your friendship until your friendship leads to marriage:

As the Bible said that there is a friend who is closer than a brother.

What kind of friendship can be closer than a brother if not your spouse or partner? To achieve this, you have to start with deep level friendship.


You cannot continue to live a solo life and expect marriage.

You might be lucky just like a gambler but you can’t sustain that relationship without nurturing it. This is another reason why some complain that they do not have steady relationships.

This is a discussion for another day.

The new rule: nurture friendship just as the farmer nurtures plants to make a good harvest in due time.

Nurture, build relationships… Change into this new habit.

Thank you.

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