There is abundant reservoir of water connected through a pipe to a tap; but you will not have the water until the tap is opened.

The extent of water you have gushed out depends on the level at which you open the tap.

Human being is like the tap connected to an overflow reservoir of divine verities; the fullness of God.

God’s fullness has been made available to man but we cannot see the manifestation until our spirits are opened to let out.

Mary said let it be unto me according to your word. The alabaster box hard the ointment lot until the job was broken. When we open our spirit the anointing begin to flow.

Man in his best form is useless until he is connected to God.

Jesus said without me you can do nothing. John chapter 15.

In the coming year, Year 2022, make up your mind to be fully connected to this reservoir of God’s goodness in case there has been a disconnection.

It is not enough to be connected. What use is the connection if your spirit is not opened; without opening the tap there will not be the flow.

In the Year 2022, open up your spirit to the Holy Spirit… Be opened.

In the coming year the Lord is speaking to one and to all: The extent of what you will enjoy and the extent at which you will manifest the glory depend on the level at which you will be ready to open the tap. Because we are beings of choice the opening of the tap of our lives for the outflow of the glory depends on each and everyone of us.

Jesus said out of you will flow rivers of living water. If you want your world to be transformed; to change and to show forth the glory of God it has to flow from within you.

It is time to sit back and ask yourself: Do you want trickles of the glory of god or the abundance flow. Jesus said I have come that you may have abundant life.

Year 2022 will be the year of 100-fold return. It is the year of harvest. Hallelujah.

I want us to go pray right now:

Father, cause my life to bring forth 100-fold blessings and beyond in the year 2022 and cause it to be my year of harvest in Jesus name.

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