Yesterday we talked about need for the cultivation of relationship or friendship. If you build healthy friendship around you it becomes easy for you to find God’s will but if you drive anybody away from you it becomes more difficult. This is simple wisdom.

Today we’ll be talking about your dress sense.

Some years ago about 40 years ago report I had a distant cousin.

This was the era of the Scripture Union called SU. She gave her life to Christ very early and then being a Scripture Union member most of the members don’t believe in good dressing so she dress simply.

Recently I saw her on WhatsApp she dressed beautifully and elegantly. I showed the picture to my wife and I told her if my cousin has been dressing like this since we were young she would probably by now have a husband. At about 53 or thereabout she’s yet to have a husband.

In the book of first Samuel chapter 16 we had it of Prophet Samuel making mistake in his choice of a king for Israel because he was looking at the outward until God helped him out. Man is created to make his choices from externalities.

You like it or not I want you to see God as the Father of packaging. When he created man he placed the shit: urine and excrements and dirt deep within. Then he covered man with flesh then a beautiful skin.

This infer that you who was created in the image of God ought not to showcase tattered life, dirt and odour.

Always remember that good dressing doesn’t hot. The best time to use the best quotes when you are young in your youthful stage. This doesn’t make you susceptible to immorality. Immorality is a thing of the heart.

Do you know that we have village girl in dirty clothes who are more prone to immorality?


*Another Extreme

Nonetheless, we have to avoid being an extremist when it comes to dressing. This is especially to ladies.

When you dress with the ulterior motives to create lust around you, it often finally boomerang because it attracts to you the wrong kinds of people.

If you’re not careful you will fall into a wrong file. One dangerous aspect of it is that this person may not take you to serious all your life because he will always remember how he met you.

I remember some years ago when some ladies mistakenly had pregnancy for some men. Suddenly they realise those men love to have sex with them but were not ready to make them their wives.

Your dressing sends a kind of message of who you are. You can never see a king or those of the Royal class dress indecently.

As you look for somebody to spend the rest of your life with, create the right kind of message around you in terms of the kind of clothes you wear.

*A Lesson From Corporate Branding

Corporate organisations spend large sums of money on branding and advertisement. They understand their branding, packaging and promotion are basis for their growth and acceptability.

You too must commit good sum of money to your personal brand and packaging. I’m talking about spending good money on yourself, to look very good and attractive in the year 2022 and beyond if you’re a young person seeking to attract a good relationship.*

You don’t need special prayer for this, to know whether this is the right thing to do or not.

In some instances always trust the brain that God gave to you. God gave you brain so that you can allow him to rest in taking some commonsensical decision. God bless you.

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