This is a basic law that you need to know or understand if you want to enjoy your relationship.
Nothing is ready made in life; not even a blissful relationship. Many young people go out with the illusion of finding a spouse in an exact form. This has led to frustration of many and has stolen joy and peace from many. This is why many individuals have not found somebody to marry.
Many of us go with the mindset off finding God’s will in from the blues.
Hoping that as you step out God will just point to you: that is your spouse. Then as the obedient child you go to the person and ask him or her for a relationship. Suddenly, you are at the altar and married.
Even when God shows you who to marry you have to take the time to cultivate the relationship.
You don’t go with arrogance and such pomposity that you are the special child of God.
Even when God speaks to you directly from heaven you have to nurture the relationship into a healthy form that will yield bliss and honey; I mean honey in the moon?
*Instance of the Gospel
Even though God called his servants and ministers into the ministry yet such persons have to go nurture the people, admonish and support those they are sent to before they can truly convert the world to Christ.
Nothing in life works until we work on it.
*Don’t be in the habit of trampling down relationships
Meaning of us have no viable relationships. We have no friends or acquaintances. We go solo in life and we believe somebody will break through the wall we have created around ourselves and come and tell us I love you. It will be very difficult.
The Bible says he that must be have friends must show himself friendly.
In the year 2022 be ready to build friendship and relationship.
In the same wise I am not saying you should go out and cultivate relationship with every Dick and Harry. NO. What I’m saying is that you should have an open mind and open heart towards the nudging of the Holy Spirit.
Usually when the Holy Spirit has somebody as your spouse. The person will not come the first time as your expected wife or husband. This is why you have to be keen in your cultivation of friendship.
*A case study
When I met my wife I met her in the least expected place.
I have many friends in church I even have eyes on one of them as somebody I would love to marry or settle down with.
Then a program was holding which brought the two of us together. It was a two weeks program. When we met I didn’t have anything as such as relationship in mind. She was just a lady and an acquaintance for the next two weeks.
But I was opened to friendship. We talked and chatted on many issues. Something led to the other, today we are married as husband and wife. If there’s somebody that could have missed it, it is me. I rarely have friends but one thing I don’t do is: I don’t dismiss people from my life. Even though I don’t go after people when people come around me I entertain, accommodate and build relationship with them.
This is why as an unmarried person do not have an idol. Because sometime God will bring somebody into your life who will become your spouse.
When you learn to cultivate relationship, it will become very easy to find your spouse, because when that person come it will be very easy for you to identify the person. When the person comes, there will be unusual flow of communication and exchanges between you.
Marry your friend… Even though you will meet the person you will marry on a certain day, build that relationship in a way that the person becomes your friend not a stranger before you say I do.
Do you know, like your regular planting you have to sow into friendship before you can harvest from it?
*It is wrong
It is wrong to go into 2022 with the mentality of the lottery player who wants to win the jackpot with little input.
Don’t go in to 2022 expecting that your lover will call from the blue without an iota of sacrifice concession or give and take.
Do you know that your anticipated spouse could be that neighbour you look down on daily? Because we never took the time to study the person or have time out we never knew that within that person is the gold you have been seeking for.
In 2022 do not advertise your need for a spouse. Instead sow your seeds beside all Waters.
Give of your talents, smile, treasure, love, money and care and it will boomerang with the gift of a soulmate – I mean your life partner. Stop living for just you and your needs alone, God will not just give you a spouse because you need it but because it is necessary to help you reach out further to the world.
God often supply our need beyond our wildest imagination.
Come to think of it: why do some people have so many people around them seeking for their hands in marriage while others have none? Is it just an element of luck. I don’t think so. Go out there.
The job seekers that get the best jobs do so usually by specially positioning them themselves for the big catch. Think on this.
God bless you.
We will continue later by God’s grace.