May the Lord speak to everyone of us tonight. That he may help us to live a meaningful life not wasting or marking time here on earth, in Jesus name.

Last week we looked at the life of Joseph. If Joseph hadn’t met with the King he would have been a champion in interpreting dreams in the local arena of the Lilliputians. He would have been an example of such that has glory than never manifested.

If we fail to meet the right people in our lives our gifts, potentials, capacities and callings would serve little to no purpose. If we are not careful men will disdain us, look down on us and cast aspersions on us. The glory has to manifest.

Has it not been God who has been on the side of our Lord Jesus Christ men looked on him and then taunted saying if you are the Son of God come down from the cross.

When it comes to the manifestation of the glory of God in your life there are certain strategic people you need to meet. Failure to meet with their will cause you to live on the barren land of ignominy and no meaning.

*Prayer: Lord, cause me to meet with those people that matters with regards to the manifestation of your grace and your calling over my life in Jesus name*



Without a Mordecai, Esther would have remained an orphan begging through life and struggling to survive.

A Mordecai in her life mentored her and let her into her abundant life when she became the Queen over an impressive empire of these days the Medo-Persian empire.

We too, to get to our high places of dominance and relevance we need Giants who have gone ahead of us.

Their understanding of the rule of play in high places usher us to reign with the mighty.

*Prayer: Lord lead me to people that matters, those who will help me to actualize your calling over my life in the coming year and years to come in Jesus name*

*Lessons from our contemporary world


1. Anik Singal:

This man according to his story said he was living in squalor and poverty. He was tired of life and barely leaving.

One very early morning somebody emailed him online. This person told him he wanted to help him seeing that Anik has been struggling over his finances.

This man like an angel taught him some simple online formula within a short span of two hours of duration.

This short teaching brought about the aha moment in his life.

Today Anik Singal is a multi-millionaire in dollar. This is possible because somebody came into his life and turned it around by revealing some secrets that helped Anik Singal to succeed.

Prayer: lol send into my life persons who hold the secrets to my next level growth. Let them come with insights to help me launch to my greatness in life in Jesus name.


2. A widow


She came to us in church to beg. We began to counsel her and encourage and LED her to Christ.

Then she began to cry profusely that she doesn’t like begging. She’s an old woman, we don’t know what to do to help her than the little money we were able to raise for her.

According to her story somebody took her to a business and showed her how to gather some waste paper. She also told her how to sell this waste paper for money. Over a couple of years now she has been feeding fine and sometime sending money to her grown up children. This old woman is 76 years Plus.

To her the old story changed because she met the right person in Christ and the other woman that led her to where her blessings were.

We too, if we take our time to truly meet with Jesus today he will connect us to the right people, and by the day our lives will significantly change, and we will begin to live the very life of impact that we have so much desired for years.

The story of this old woman should be our story as we step into the Year 2022.

Let us pray and possibly with tears on our eyes saying:

Lord we are tired of the old life. Lord lead me to my place of bountifulness, lead me to the right associations, lead me to the right people; in Jesus name

Living the life of impact is dependent on how we will allow God to orchestrate our lives towards the right people. This will make a difference between where we are in the year 2021 and where we want to be in a year 2022. God bless you as you begin this earnest prayer. AMEN

In conclusion:

Remember: no matter how beautiful the gold is, if it is not showcased it remains in the dark without honour, beauty or appreciation. Think on this as you position yourself strategically and prayerfully for the Lord’s lifting as we march into a New Year.

Thank you.

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