May the heavenly Father bless every one of us as we come together here on this blessed day.

May the Lord speak to your heart so that the Year 2022 will be an outstanding year for everyone of us in Jesus name.

Tonight, I’ll be talking on a single Factor that could transform the Year 2022 in an amazing way beyond your wildest dream.

Most of the things I discuss on this platform are those things I come across in my daily life that has become salient lesson for me in my journey called life.

*Illustration from the life of Joseph*

To many of us, the problem we have isn’t because we lacked the capacity of what to do. It’s not that we don’t have the product, the capacity and fortitude.

The major problem to a life of impact and attainment is working in the wrong environment, dealing with the wrong target, and group of people. If you’re not careful it will seem as if you are the worst out there.

Many times as God is saying to somebody today: The problem is not because you cannot articulate the problem or idea, it is because you have not taken the time to find the target; I mean the people who you were sent to.

This is why in the year 2022 many of you will have to change your friends, your environment, the kind of people you relate with. God helping you.

Joseph had gotten the gift of the interpretation of dream many years earlier. He doesn’t have to improve on it or to learn new skills or to rearrange the concept. It is a gift from God.

The only thing delaying the manifestation of Joseph was dependent on meeting King Pharaoh.

While with the Butler and the cup bearer, he could do little in terms of reaching to stardom and national prominence. There’s little these men could do to help Joseph realise the purpose of God for his life.

This is what many of us like myself have been playing for all these years. We have a gift, we have the calling, we have the capacity, we have the product and we have the idea. But we are selling and representing what’s supposed for great men before mean or ordinary men. Selling before men who could not show us to the King.

The king here isn’t literal but representing the person who needs your service product idea impact.

In the year 2022 pray fervently as I am also doing the Lord will help us to find out the people who will celebrate our gifts. Until you find your audience, there won’t be a fulfilment of vision, there won’t be prominence and there won’t be a celebration of what you have.

*The rhetoric from the book of Psalms*

Sometimes ago, the children of Israel were in captivity and the enemies called them: sing to us the song of Zion. The Israelite replied why would we celebrate and sing a song of Zion in captivity?

No matter how good you are, captivity is not a place where great destinies are expressed instead they are suppressed.

*Ask the Lord*

In the year 2022 whatever you do, whatever line, vocation, ministry or calling you find yourself make it a point of duty to ask the Lord: to whom am I sent to?

This will save many of us from wasted labour in the coming year.

I want to stop with the short message tonight.

Now we are closing on the year 2021 and we are entering a new year 2022, I want us to begin to pray right now for the next 15, 20, 30 minutes, for as long as you can go:

Lord reveal me to the King, reveal to me those I’m sent to, reveal to me my audience, etc

Let this prayer be your prayer the rest of this year. Until you meet the king you will not be honoured, until you serve the right target you’ll become a laughing stock.

Lord show me those you have sent me to – that is the prayer.

God bless you

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