*Sex as a tool for holding a relationship

This topic must be emphasized and read over and over again.

It’s likely going to be your saving grace to locating and get him and sustaining a relationship.

This is your number one power for holding a relationship through to the stage of marriage.

When you observed relationship and Marriage affairs you will discover that the beautiful, the ugly, the rich, the poor and people of diverse characteristics are married. Which shows that there is no limitation or imposition why you cannot get a marriage partner.

Forget beauty and forget charm.

What is most important in getting a relationship and then taking it to the stage of being married is positive use of the power of sex.

Yours sincerely, it doesn’t matter whether you sleep in church from morning to night. Correct use of your sexual apparatus will ultimately determine greatly whether you will get married in good time or not.

Once you have created the attraction the next thing is to use your sexual power to get the man or woman into marriage.

Most relationship starts with external attractions like education, beauty, connection, charms or charisma or whatever.

If you follow this path to the end you will be devoured and thrown out like a used menstrual clothing.

May you not start a life of frustration from your youthful age.

Abuse of the power of sexuality is one of the reason why people lose their colour and develop several other negative habits that leads to depression and regrets.

*Case Studies*

In the Bible we have a brother and sister called Amnon and Tamah.

Amnon had a kind of sexual attraction to Tamar. He found his way to her and raped her. Immediately he had his way there was a strong intense hatred between the two of them.

This led to generational sorrow. Amnon was killed by Absalom for this wicked act of Amnon. Tamar remain sorrowful the rest of her life.

*How it relates:*

When you introduce sex into your relationship too early, no matter how beautiful you are or physically endowed, you are likely setting yourself for unimaginable depth of repulsiveness from the person who once loved you.

Sometimes you find it difficult to explain why the hatred.

The simple reason is that you allowed him or her to have carnal knowledge of you too early.

*Sex is Your Opportunity for Early Marriage*

Sex when not satisfied intoxicate like wine or drug. It’s stronger than opium, why do you think a 70years will rape a 9years old?

At that moment the more depraved of the two has lost all senses.

The seeker of love will want to do all he can to have sex with the object of his love.

The onus lies on the person with stronger reason. You make up your mind that no matter what you will not open up.

Always let it be ingrained in your heart what you really want:


When marriage is uppermost in your heart you will close that door and hold on until the intoxication leads your partner to take you to the altar, or to the marriage registry, or to pay your dowry.

Then you can open up the honey pot without restrictions as you are transported to the heavenly rendezvous of holy lovemaking.

Then, after the marriage, it becomes a permanent opened door that no one can close?

Often, a man will leave a very pretty and beautiful woman who has no restraint to marry a woman who is ugly and less educated or endowed because the latter has some restraint.

It is not often true that virgins and those who are not promiscous have better character but many times Men go for those who could withstand the pressure.

If you’re a woman who is beautiful ugly or whatever know that by virtue of your being as a woman, somebody will be attracted to you. When such a person comes around be careful what kind of game you are playing together: Sexual game or game that leads to marriage?

*Final example*

A father recently told me about his daughter:

A young guy of about her age came to her and desire of her a relationship.

Every now and then this guy will always want a way of luring her to sex. She refused every time.

In his utter frustration he left this lady for a while. He thought she will beg him to come do?

Many ladies have fallen for such antics of men. “Let me have sex with you and I will marry you.” Ladies that falls for such lies are befuddle of judgement and are not wise.

After sex before marriage, the opportunity for marriage becomes slimmer by the day.

Some of you are younger. You think this is old school.?

Borrow sense, don’t let the next Generation learn from you because you were experimenting with sex with every Dick and Harry.

Following the story to the end: Where the guy found out that his game couldn’t change her mind he came back this time serious for a relationship that leads to marriage.

Today they are happily married living together in Ilorin, Nigeria


In life you can’t eat your cake and have it back. If you decide to regurgitate the cake, it will be smelly.

Yes, some still got married but when sex comes in before marriage it creates some thorns and distrust. It pays you to hold on until after marriage.

When you are purposeful and you know what you want in a relationship and you made sex is secondary factor you will find that you will realise that getting married is as simple as ABC… Towards 2022.

Thank you.


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