May the Lord cause his word to bless you today in Jesus name.

Recently I was discussing with a friend of mine. In this part of the world especially Africa, sometimes for no reason we recline around tales about the woeful performance of our leaders. Many times it has become our past time to talk and talk about what they are doing or what they’re not doing well.

Many times instead of being relieved we get tensed, incapacitated as we become victims of our own creation.

This was what happened to me as we’re talking. Suddenly, I realized we were giving out, selling out our power to the forces around us by the feelings of incapacitation. We have taken the place of the victim.

Then I spoke with boldness, there and then I crushed the fears and trepidation that was forming within me as we were talking as I declare: “I am not the victim nobody will decide my destiny negatively…”

As I declared, faith rose within me. Instead of the feeling of being a victim ideas began to flow with my of what I can do to better my life and those people around me. And I thought of how to become relevant in my society and my world.

Many times we have situations around us that tend to make us to be frightful or to want to run away in flight. At such a moment the best thing to do is to face the battle headlong. When you face this situation power flow into you, I mean divine power because God wants men who can stand by Faith.

An error from the pulpit

There are many things we pray for that will never receive answer to. Because they negate the principle of the Bible.

Looking through the Bible we can see the account of men of action and power.

Virtually every book of the Bible showcases individuals that are courageous to deal with kings like Moses, to fight giants like David, to solve national problem live Joseph and to overthrow nations like Joshua.

These men after prayer fought the battle, faced the issue at hand and they became victorious.

After prayer we need to step out. In my years of studying the Bible I’ve come to realise that what prayer does is that it gives us the blueprint and strategy to go about every situation that confront us.

Even in every miracle there’s a part of God and the part of human being.

The part of God is the supply of grace, power and capacity. The part of Man is to confront the situation in the name of Jesus. When this is done man coupled with God’s power will overcome territories and win situations and lands unto the Lord.

About Governance and Leadership

The bad and evil leaders will not succumb or change until people like you and me rise up with the righteous acts of God to confront them and plant new ideology, ideals and principles according to the scriptures and the word of God.

But if you remain fearful and jittery expecting a savior to arise from the moon you are only wasting your time. This is the path to a pitiable end. If we all live thus, one by one we will be crushed. Then our generation will end up as victims and weaklings. That’s the very thing the devil is trying to achieve.

I have made up my mind not to be a slave

I have made up my mind not to be a slave to the things which I can change. For the Bible says I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. Everything that is against the abundant life cannot stand against my destiny in Jesus name.

I have made up my mind not to be a slave to my fear because the Bible says: God has not given us the spirit of fear. I refused to succumb to fear. I stay boldly declaring the power of God over every affliction in my life, I live above the intimidation of the enemy and attack of the evil one. I refuse to allow my environment to dictate negatively against the will of God for my life.

On account of this I am a fighter I fight against every fear against the purpose of God for my life.

*The Secret

The only weapon against fear that I know is action. What fear does is that it immobilizes you from taking action towards the direction of your freedom and enlarged life.

When Goliath came for the Israelite he used fear until somebody rose with action, David the man of war.

The secret of power is to act in spite of your fear.


Our Father and our God, we receive the faith today to act against every fear and onslaught of the enemy. In the name of Jesus, we rise against every power that may want to molest us or keep us down. Whether demonic, spiritual, political or government agents or those in our neighborhood. We refuse to sell out, we refuse to be down and we refuse to be weak.

For we can do all things through Christ that strengthens us.

Thank you Jesus


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