

For no reason should you be a victim in life. The world don’t favour people who live as victim. Instead men take opportunity to ravish and enslave people who look dejected, weak, and fallen.

Remain standing by all means. Never stoop yourself for no reason. The great generals and heroes of past keep their shoulders high and fighting even in the face of death. Because death is even more favorable to the courageous and bold individuals.

In the book of Joshua chapter 1 when Moses was dead and Joshua took over and there were many enemies on every side.

God who is wise and infinite in knowledge knew that all that Joshua has need of is courage and being fearless. God told him several times be bold courageous and fearless. When you are bold and courageous and fearless a small number can become omnipotent in the battle of life. A small resources can yield abundance

Joshua and Israel, so small with few weapons of war route nations and plant a new nation in Canaan.

God with us makes us the majority.

We can transform a nation and become the major of our world if we will make a shift from being the victim of our society.

Victim mindset is the number 1 foe that rob us of our dominion and lead us into slavery.

A sister because she’s late to marry began to date one of those reckless guys in town. She has become victimized by her situation as a result of age. The guy sees her desperation, took her ravish her and then dump her. As long as she sees herself as a victim, victim of the world everybody that comes around her will take advantage of her. It’s time for her to be strong s she will become the slave of all.

Many times the people around us treat us shabbily as nobody. It is not their fault but our body language that communicate that’s we are nobody and the world will be out to take us out if we keep such mindset perpetually.

We are in a world where the strong the powerful ravish and pull down and enslave the week. Here the winner takes It All. This is why in your life you must always be a winner. Winning in that which you know how to do as you become a master in your own terrain, a master of a new order.

*The story of a victim – an antelope*

As it is in the human jungle so it is in the animal jungle.

In a documentary there was an antelope that was injured in a fight. So weak and struggling it journeyed on and bleeding.

Not too long some hyenas began to follow the antelope in its trail. In no time also some vultures began to circle over the antelope as it journey in its weakness. The antelope looked up saw the vultures and looked behind saw the hyena.

It must muster enough strength to continue. The scavengers continue to follow. It grew weaker until finally it falls down.

The hyena and the vulture end the life of the miserable antelope.

*The lesson

In your life don’t think because you show signs of being a victim people around you will be merciful. No the world rejoices and create avenue to further plunder the weak.

You can see this in politics, governance, business, and all walks of life. The weak serves the strong… This is how the world is designed. The illiterate serves the literate. The poor served the rich. The foolish serves the wise. The tenant is at the mercy of the landlord.

By all means stop giving excuses build up strength; be fearless and be courageous. This is Your Life.

If you want to go far in life put on a show of strength, capacity, abundance and with time every good thing you prove courageously unto will come to you.

*Goliath and Israel:

Goliath understands the tool of intimidation and he used it well to bring the Army of Israel to her knees. He mesmerized and troubled Israel until they go hiding. Israel became the victim. The enemy will continue to haunt us except we build up the courage to face the enemy.

The situation will continue until we fix it. Fix that situation
Stop running away.

Goliath continue until one person a young boy show up who doesn’t know what fear was.

David was fearless. His fearlessness was all god needed to deal with the insolent Goliath. David doesn’t carry the victim mentality. This was all he needed as a tool to pull down Goliath.

You too with the little you have can bring down the Goliath of intimidation around you. You are not a victim until you submit to servitude and forces around you.

Go win .

God bless you.

I am Wale Adewumi

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