Strategic Leadership Tip

We are where we are by reason of how we cultivate the gifts of men in our world.

May God forgive us starting with me for how we have been treating the people around us.

The simple truth is here: we cannot amount to much without men.

What the Bible teaches is that we should not elevate man above God; it doesn’t mean that we should disregard men.

In all of God’s dealings with man, he will always use human interventions to attend to another man.


1. Stop discounting the gifts of men. Celebrate the men in your world.

2. Stop looking down on possible help from man.

3. Stop creating more enemies for yourself among men.

To achieve great aims, succeed and be elevated, you’ll need man’s help one way or the other.

Even Jesus who’s divine in all respect and as a son of God grew in favour with God and man.

I’m going to buttress the third one.

People may rise up as enemies against you. On that case, there’s nothing you can do and in due season the Lord will cause your horn to be elevated above them all.

For he will Anoint your head in the presence of your enemies.


The reason is because nobody created by God is useless. There’s hidden gem of good in all of God’s creation… I mean man

Even your supposed enemies will all work out your lifting as we have in the case of Haman and Mordecai.

As leaders or people who want to be relevant in life, you’ll learn to build bridges with people, you’ll learn to maintain healthy relationships. Don’t make everyone around you enemies. Even in warfare, the war general find it more profitable to win enemies than fight outrightly.

I’ll be illustrating this discussion with some case studies:

Even the mad person on the street is not altogether a wasted being.

The occultic people know this. When preparing their potion they use different forms of human even the mad and deranged persons.

Naaman and His Maid

Naaman was a general of the Syrian army and he had this maid.

Ordinarily they had nothing in common. Yet the maid was instrumental to his healing from leprosy.

She told her mistress who was the wife of Naaman where the big man could find healings.

Never be too big that you’re cut off from the people in your world. You’ll need them either when you’re going up or when you’re coming down.

Miracles are tied to people placed along your path.

As a child of God and leader after God’s heart, don’t treat any human being as rag.

Make everyone you come in contact with as a VIP.

When you treat them as VIP, they in turn treat you as VIP and would be ready to sacrifice into you.

The lesson is this: If Naaman and his wife were high-handed and were not in communication with the maid they wouldn’t have receive help or direction from her.

The Widow and Her Neighbor

A woman was highly indebted that her children were about being sold into slavery.

She got to Prophet Elisha.

She had oils at home.

The prophet told her: go borrow vessels from your neighbors. Fill them with the oil. Your wealth will be tied to as many vessels you can fill up.

The number of vessels you’re able to borrow will determine the extent of the multiplication of the oil.

What this means to you and me is: God wants to perform miracles in our lives.

Yet this miracles are dependent on our impact, love, giving and oneness with the people planted around us.

The woman passed the test.

If you want to be a BIG MAN whose impact will reach the end of the earth, you too must have a large heart.

Many people want to become great and yet are in enmity with everyone else, easily hurt and fight for every right. Such person is only daydreaming?

Jesus and the Boy With Loaves and few fishes

Jesus wanted to perform miracles of multiplication of food. Of the entire multitudes in their thousands only a small boy had what it takes.

Jesus our Lord would need a willing vessel to multiply the miracle of feeding thousands.

A boy was available. I mean a small fellow.

In your life, never look down on anybody.

That baby in your neighborhood could turn out the president of your country. Act well today, your next miracle could be in his hands.

As I conclude tonight, make a critical shift and begin to celebrate people who come into your world.

David started out in life with debtors, vagabonds and homeless people, but he turned them around into his mighty men.

In his latter life while in battle he was about being killed then his mighty men saved him and told him never to come to battle again.


They let him know that having trained them they are able to watch his back.

Your best investment are the people you nurture, fed and helped along your journey called life.

Your progress and regression is dependent on how you treat the people around you NOW.

Thank you until next week

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