Don’t make yourself so cheap by rushing into a relationship without taking time to do the needful.

Rushing to marry without following the laid down procedure in your clime often poise some snare. Do the things you need to do and as much as it lied with you, win all necessary approval – of God and man.

I know God in his usual way is talking to somebody today. When you choose to do things right he will help you discover the pitfalls before you.

Do not in your life go after a man in the name of blinded love without your parent’s consent and of people who hold you in high esteem.

When they antagonize your decision take time to find out. Patience will reveal who is right. Sometimes by patience you come to see what they’re saying or they seeing through yours.

Never say that your parents don’t matter. No matter how much love somebody professes to you. Remember that your parents too love you and wants the best for you.

A gentle persuasive love of parents is better than a tempestuous love without substance. I hope our unmarried in the house will learn. This is why I’m writing you this morning.

What use is being showered with much love in courtship but later to realize that you’re married to a monster.

As I always say: Marriage is beyond the two of you. It is an institution. An institution entails many people. Each marriage is affiliated to more than a hundred people.

Selfish people build their love around just the two of them. Selfish love is a house on a sand, it shatters when the storm of marriage comes. Storms will come, your foundation will determines whether it will stand.

What kind of home will a man who eloped with a lady build? By that action it shows two weak people who can not win through constructive propositions. Such home rarely last or have the honey of marriage.

He told you, get pregnant so that your parents will release you to him. You too want to tow that path. I pity you. Before you do that I’m called to warn you. It is a hard line to tow.

In my life, I’ve seen many lives especially of women destroyed because of such. You make yourself cheap from the beginning. By jettisoning the counsel of wisdom the man become the god in your life. Man, when elevated to the status of a god is tyrannical.

Don’t be miserable the rest of your life, follow the needed process through – it starts with seeking the Lord and marrying a God fearing man.

It’s better to be unmarried than to marry wrongly.

Lastly, don’t be in a haste to be married. Do all the needful your parents, culture, society and government approve as foundation for marriage. Doing the needful here doesn’t mean subscribing to sinful rites around you please.

Building a sustained home is the business of many, don’t live in isolation at your peril.

A lesson:

Yesterday I read of a lady whose body was dismembered by two young men. She came from Lagos to check on probably one of the guys. If the love was played out in the open she would be alive today.

Another one was raped and killed few years ago leaving her parents in agony because of a clandestine relationship played out in the dark room.

We have so many gory stories of love in the gutter. If it is healthy, play your game of love in the open.

If you have manner, well brought up and especially being a child of God you’ll do things approved by God and men. Light doesn’t seek means to hide.

Jesus, our Lord grew in favour before God and man. A thriving relationship must grow in favour before God and man.

A word is enough for the wise.


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