We are often too quick to think of money when we talk about a quality life. Money in the real sense is a derivative of a good life, pursuit, engagement, or contemplation.

I will make my presentation clearer bye using 3 incidents today.

1. When I woke up this morning I saw my wife beside me. The first thought that came through my mind was how do I make her life a quality one? Then I wasn’t thinking of money or gifts. We have many houses with large money but the inhabitants have made it a hell of a place.

A quality life is way beyond money. Nonetheless, money is an essential instrument in our world.

This thought shaped the way I behaved to her throughout the day. I made up my mind to act in such a way not because of what she did or what she didn’t do but based on higher value.

When I looked back I realise that on perennial basis I have a good home to come back to everyday.

When you have the mind to be a blessing to others it will come back to you.

Some of us may complain that you are married to a beast. Whatever, when you begin to take care of a dog or a lion in a certain way the beast in it becomes quietened.

2. By extension I made up my mind to make people that come around me today to be happy.

Not too long after somebody called me from a radio station. He told me the expected guest wasn’t coming. I could as well decide to play a big man. I told him I will be coming this erupted joy within him and he prayed for me.

I stopped the work I intend doing on my laptop. At that instance I received inspiration towards an issue I was trying to solve since few days earlier in my own life.

The right kind of inspiration is more than money. Inspiration took Joseph from the prison to the palace.

By attending to other people’s issue God also was there solving my own problem.

After the radio program the presenter also prayed for me because I filled in the gap.

When you are out there solving other people’s problem your own problem also will receive a divine touch.

Many times we expect those people we help to also come around to help us. It doesn’t always come out right like that, when you stand out as a blessing to the world God himself will seek for avenues to divinely bless you… Not really the person you stand-in for.

Jesus said give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give unto you.

The universal code of a quality life is to be there for others. This has nothing to do with what others do or don’t do to you.

3. Earlier I presented a story of a teacher with his students. He gave each a balloon and they all wrote their names on their balloons.

They all threw the balloon to the front of the class. Then he asked them all to look for their respective balloon with their names on it. They scrambled and struggled. It was a difficult task. Then he asked them to work together as one to help each other find their balloons. It became fun and easier task. Within minutes all of them had their balloon.

When you begin to help others, life will become fun even when you are labouring. When you choose to help others to find purpose, to realise their goals, and to succeed, your own success will come faster.

Show mercy so that you too may receive mercy. According to the seed you sow you will reap.

Do you want a buoyant life? Cease from struggling alone. Work with others, partner with them, help them solve their problems and you will realise within a short while that those things you want in life will come to you faster.

The more approved law of life is being there for others in their time of need by showing others the way to go, blessing the helpless and strengthening the weak knees.

Remember, the good Samaritan wasn’t highly religious like the chief priest and the levites yet he was more approved by Jesus Christ.

You too can start a new life today by making the world a heaven for others.

God bless you.

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