The presentation is a figure, I’m not asking you to marry a Harlot of the real world.


The Harlot in our allegory is the obnoxious fellow hanging around your world who you would not give a thought of for marriage.

Like the physical Harlot in your neighborhood, he or she is obsessed with you. But he or she has some undesirable quality.

You would rather have the Harlot far from you.

You can never imagine him or her becoming your spouse.

Pause and think:

Could there be possibilities of you marrying the Harlot?

Would you throw the water and the baby away?

*Who Do I Marry, The Harlot or the Saint?*


The Saint is the perfect form of who you would want as a spouse in your journey of life.

This has been the person you’ve given your total life, to court and marry.

He or she comes into your dreamworld where you share fantasies as you travel round your imaginary world.

If only you are able to get him or her, your trouble would be over and it will be a world of bliss forever.

Where is the Saint?

*In our search for a marriage partner we search for the Saint but lo the Harlot show up…*

The use of Harlot in the Bible especially of Israel and Judah as an allegory signifies the lost one… Out of grace and cover of God.

Let us go into the principles of the gospel, to lead us to getting a marriage partner

1. All have sinned and are short of the glory.

God knew no one is qualified by merit.

2. Yet he came to seek for the lost one and to make them children of God. This was why Jesus came

3. Then through Christ the sinner becomes the Saint.
You may realize you’re richer, more godly, more handsome or beautiful, more educated or the likes.

True love will fill up the space just the same way Christ came for the sinner.

The story of the gospel is the perfect illustration of true love relationship that works

*You will not likely meet the exact type of person you want to marry. To insist is the beginning of frustration.*

*When God wants a relationship, he didn’t stop with the angels, he moved on to the earth to seek for man – the fallen man.*

*When you too want to start a relationship, don’t marry the angel, marry somebody with a flaw*

When you marry somebody who looked like an angel you’re buying into lies.

To understand that everyone has flaw is the beginning of finding a spouse early… And to know is the foundation to enduring relationship and marriage

Why many people stay so loooooong before getting a marriage partner is due to the misconception of a Mr Right or a Miss Right somewhere.

The man in shiny brass armour and the lady angel who cannot hurt a fly is often an illusion.

As I’ve said times without number, you don’t daydream into marriage.

You become a practical person with your heart and brain.

The archbishop of Canterbury and your dear writer here has a flaw or deficiency. Yet we are married and our spouse manage us?

Stop dreaming and come back to reality. We are in the world of man where we have many flaws and deficiency in all… All men have flaws but for grace.

Marriage is a risk, a worthy risk but for the prepared.

If you’re not prepared for the risk you cannot have the shock absorber to handle the moment of challenges.

Your heart is the seat of emotion, if that’s all you engage before and after finding a spouse you will have problems sooner or later.

People who engage only their emotions live in a world of denial of facts.

Use your brain also, know you’re not in heaven, accept that the person you’re marrying has a deficiency. Then make up your mind to manage the situation and outcome.

Isaac and Rebecca had a heavenly backed relationship yet they have somewhat a divided home.

Why am I saying all this?

Just one reason:

No matter how careful you’re, you are going to marry a human and along comes surprises, flaws, deficiencies and inabilities.

Let us look @ Adam and Eve…

Even God, God Almighty gave Adam a wife, yet the relationship fumbled and wobbled. Yet Adam didn’t give up.

If you are keen… Sincerely keen, your spouse is around the corner.

This happens when you stop looking for the “Saint” in a faraway land.

Don’t always think the person faraway is better than the person nearer.

Proximity only breed contempt.

But with better understanding, you create a leveling ground with better perspective of your neighbors.

For the fact you have neighbours with known deficiency doesn’t mean he or she isn’t your spouse.

Even the Harlot may turn out God’s divine choice. Maybe and maybe not.?

That angel or saint faraway may be Satan’s kin. Maybe or maybe not.?

Here I’m not saying don’t marry someone faraway. I’m only talking about perspective shift.

The Bible says fools go to the end of the earth to seek for wisdom…

Come to think of it? If you cannot find a good person around you, don’t you think it will be difficult to cohabit with a stranger whose character you don’t know.

I’m also not telling you to go outrightly for a Harlot in the brothel, I’m only using it as a parable.

Many of us see the people around us as unfit for marriage.

We think those out there are better.

Remember, we all cover our nakedness with clothing.

*Who Do I Marry, The Harlot or the Saint?

God bless you. We will continue here possibly tomorrow.

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