Recently my niece asked his dad upon reading Genesis 26 a very pertinent question:


This is the bedrock for our discussion tonight.

May God minister into our hearts real good in Jesus name.

In view of the song of poverty much challenges of this days especially in the land… Especially Nigeria, we will be talking on this topic


God can prosper us irrespective of the season of life.

God can prosper us irrespective of the government

God can prosper us irrespective of the country we are living in.

The above statement is very

Expedient and
Of utmost importance

God can prosper us irrespective of the season of life.

God can prosper us irrespective of the government.

God can prosper us irrespective of the country we are in

Why you must believe this statement above is as follows :

If you don’t believe God can prosper you at all seasons, under every form of government and in any country or economy you will keep experiencing an up and down and unstable finances reflecting on your ENVIRONMENT

The path of the just is ever a shining one.

Wealth and prosperity starts with your thoughts.

Let’s go back to the scripture in Genesis 26

The secrets of Isaac

1. Isaac was a covenant child

Only covenant people prosper in all seasons of life.

Real wealth is obtained from the spiritual.

So if you want to be perpetually in prosperity you must be a child of covenant

Isaac was the son of Abraham, a lineage enshrined in the Abrahamic covenant

No one lives under a prosperous cover without covenant.

When the economy of a nation is punctured, it is very imperative that the wise seek for covenant protection.

We are children of covenant if we are in Christ. Yet the effectiveness of this covenant is that we abide in Christ and Christ abiding in us so that we can bear much fruit

John 15:4 KJV
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

Are you passing through a hard time?

You may have not given your life into Christ

You may be born again but doing your own thing.

Close the gap today
Let us pray:

Lord Jesus, I commit my life into your hands, every loopholes and openings that has rendered the covenant of noneffective in my life have mercy on me.

I’m ready to go through the haul with you.

Thank you Jesus.

When you are closely knitted he meets all your needs

Seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you.

Right standing in the covenant is the yoke breaker.

For the anointing works in the path of the covenant.

Every yoke of oppressive wants will be broken by the anointing in Jesus name

_Other secrets to be discussed flows from the first:_

Covenant relation is the foundation of true prosperity.

You may do every other thing, without covenant standing before God you may not get appropriate results

Covenant is personal and divergent.

We may all be God’s children but his directives and will for us might be different in terms of what to do, where to live, the wife to marry, etc.

For covenant benefits flow through direction and obedience to certain salient instruction.

Eg God’s covenant took a different level and dimension when Abraham was ready and willing to sacrifice Isaac.

Also, covenant has depth.

Covenant makes you reap a thousand times  what others could possibly reap in a lifetime.

Covenant makes labour meaningful, enjoyable and beneficial.

Find the place of covenant.

And it is often found in the place of sacrifice.

Sometimes some people erroneously believe we should not talk about finances in the church

But if we don’t talk about it

The devil will tell them… The evil covenant

If we don’t tell them… The devil will keep them poor.

If we don’t tell them some will grow depressed over time.

Everything has a principle and ways to achieve them

I have covered the most important secret to famine in famine

Others are like unto it

2. Stay where God has allotted to you.

Isaac wanted to run away from Gerah because of the intensity of the famine but God told him to stay back.

When things are not working out find out whether you are where you should be…  The job, town, location,etc

When God gives you a location you become the master over the elements

3. To prosper, you must have a business, job, product or idea to sell or services to offer.

Isaac was a farmer.
Paul was a tent maker
Joseph was an administrator

You cannot command blessings without something in your hands

Zero time millions is zero.

Without work your prayer for prosperity will ultimately be zero

4. Focus on specific line of business.

Isaac was a crop farmer. He wasn’t Jack of all trades

This is a major problem with many of us like myself in attempt to create wealth we spread ourselves thin on too many ventures.

God help us


Steve Jobs is known for Apple computer

Tiger Wood for Golf

Trump for Sky scrappers

Warren Buffet for investment

Jeff Bezos for online retail business

What are you known for?

5. USP. meaning

Unique Selling Proposition

To prosper exceedingly and abundantly, something must stand you out among the pack.



You wouldn’t go far if you are a copycat

Though there are many farmers in his days, Isaac stood out through his ingenuity to create a high class irrigation that provide water for keeping his farm wet throughout the year.

You cannot go far without being inventive, a little bit of ingenuity, style, etc

6. You must have a pedigree of success

Even when you are setting out on a novel or brand new concept, there must be those who are ahead from whom you can learn

Isaac has a father who was a millionaire from whom he has learnt much

Business sense from
Human management


You must have


Those who have gone ahead.

They grant you stability as you grow your wealth


this is the last and second in importance in the list. This is why I made it bold

Isaac has a loving family and home

Nobody succeed easily without the support of a great home

I have heard of people who divorce when one of the spouse made some little income

Go check, such wealth is destructive and has ceiling.

The fabulous, beautiful and graceful wealth are possessed often by people with stable marriage.

Awolowo was respected for owning a great home and marriage

Bill Gates and Melinda Gates are affecting the world together.

Warren Buffets and wife have been together since their youth to old age, rich and with a great home

If you look closely to tonight discussions you may find some nuggets

If you can’t find any worthy idea, later in years to come you will pay for the same information when you decide to prosper.

The idea is ageless, condensed for your benefits.

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