Stanley gets home this time as a different man. He has gotten a new insight and understanding which never occurred to him for once in the past. He had always thought of Kate as a big headed demon sent to bug him down. He never took the time to understand her background and the kind of home she comes from as a factor to always bear in mind while dealing with her.

A fruit is never very far from the tree from which it falls; except some forces move it away. Kate is a product of her environment. She needs a different kind of force of influence to transform her. With Chief Pelensiri on ground she finds it difficult to adjust because he is always around as an overbearing negative influence forestalling the old script of hardness and bossiness.

Since her dad left her through gruesome death during the insurgent some months past, Kate seems to be getting on fast as a wife; she finds no negative influence to lean on. Instead of Stanley coming to see her sudden change in good light, he sees her father’s demise as his opportunity to take revenge on her for her family’s ill-treatment of him and his parents these past years.

He loved Susan, yet he wants Susan to be the revenge. He would have gladly married Susan to rubbish Kate to hell. But Susan would not go through his conceived script. She is living for a honour beyond that dictated by the mortal. Her relationship is centered on her affection on God; and her innate drive to do the right things in spite of her pains and wants.

Stanley weeps for Susan imagining all the harrowing pains she had been through these many years. Yet she wouldn’t take advantage of the opportunity of marrying into the Boudaha’s family in spite of the growing influence, allurement and power conferred by the citizens to the family.

Susan would not even take a look at the possibility of marrying the President or the son of the president as the case may be in the near future. The Boudaha represents the moral compass of the next generations in their growing number. This good nature was strong reason why Boudaha was saved from dying with the rest politicians when he had the hint to run out of the country.

Stanley could not imagine any possibility of a good match for Susan to compensate for all her years of lost. He is engrossed about settling her down as a happy woman; but he lacks what it takes because the same woman is turning him back to his wife at home.

He drives back home, he comes down from his car and walks in with his wife waiting for him by the door. He could see anxieties all over her face. She is growing some unfounded fear of getting hurt by Stanley. She can see the wicked looks on his face daily. She takes him as the same Stanley that drove out earlier.

As he comes close she shivers with uncertainty of any outbursts from her husband.

Stanley has been noticing this for some time now but he never cared a hoot. But today, he feels sorry for her and his hardness of heart towards her since her dad, Chief Pelensiri died.

“Kate, I am sorry,” he holds her right hands as they walked into their bedroom. He sits her on one side of the bed while he pulls a stool beside and sits before her. This simple gesture has become a rare thing in his house for years past. They have been living as cat and dog; always on each other’s jugular. He keeps his gaze into her eyes. She melts into him

Kate shivers with ecstasy, holds his two hands and pulls him closer and she bursts into tears uncontrollably. She weeps like a little baby needing to be consoled by the mom. Stanley too holds her and says nothing. He keeps wiping her tears as tears also flow freely down his cheeks.

“I have been waiting for this day all these years, Stanley.”

“Kate, do you really love me at any time in the past?”

“I have always loved you,” tears finds new veins out as she begins again in tears. “All my life, I have loved you. From the first day I set my eyes on you. But you have never shown me any understanding. I know I am not from a good home like yours; but I want a good home too.”

“I am sorry for the misunderstanding my dear.” Stanley sits beside her and she narrates how she first met him in an event. Although they are far apart, it was like love at first sight, but over the day she was becoming gloomy and lonely knowing that Stanley wasn’t in her circle of friends.

“Kate, what is the problem these past days?” she remembers her dad asking her. She was initially afraid but she needs an outlet so she vented all the emotion out. She told her dad of her love for Stanley. Her dad laughed and promised to get Stanley for her. “You know you are my darling, I will get just anything for you. You have made a good choice.”

Kate thought her father was making vain promise. Stanley is a human being and not hardware in the market place. She soon found out that her dad’s promise was a reality. Her father was able to buy Boudaha’s interest through intrigues and the rest became history.

Kate and Stanley got married but suddenly her marriage became a nightmare. Kate’s dream was to get the best man on earth. She believed Stanley represented the perfect man, but she forgot that she too needed to become an improved version of her own self. It was getting late before she realized that she cannot continue to heap junks into the marriage and expect a haven. Before she realized this Stanley had built a new perspective of her, it became difficult to come out of the mould.

She had always loved him, even when she behaves like a spoilt brat most occasions; yet she cries within her soul that Stanley could take a moment to understand where she was coming from. Kate has seen her dad shot someone to death before and she had eavesdropped how he covers many murders and maleficent acts of his notorious gangs while growing up. That was her background.

While in the university, she heard the preaching on campus during Christians’ meetings and she made up her mind to turn around from her father’s ways. So when she met Stanley, it was her dream that the man who will help her has come on board. With all her calculated attempts, her inner script and background has made it difficult and her husband has made things worse. In addition, she has a father she could always run back to.

Her dad’s death shatters all her confidence and her world came down crumbling. But it does something positive within her: she had nowhere to run up to so she had to carry her cross. One day, she went to the church and prayed sore for help. Within her she had the calmness to bear up with Stanley and she refuses to seek for divorce in spite of the harrowing pains of neglect by Stanley.

“I didn’t know you loved me.” Stanley looks to her.

“I love you so so so much,” she clings on him and he kisses her passionately. “I cannot afford to lose you please.”

“I am all yours, I promise you,” Stanley affirms and Kate knows Stanley doesn’t play with words. She knows beyond a doubt that her husband is back to her fully. She is exceedingly happy.

She alighted from him and helps remove his shirt: “Come and do me like never before, I am yours,” she laughs heartily as she jumps on the bed. Stanley follows her and less than one minute later both are passionately devouring each other. It is a memorable experience which is unequalled by their honeymoon season.

Kate couldn’t believe that the Lord could work out things out so easily. The next few weeks she would go around pinching herself to be sure she isn’t dreaming. Then she would burst laughing hysterically like somebody on wine.

Kate realizes it was Susan’s support that has granted her the second chance in the life of Stanley. She would forever be grateful to her. So in no time she drives to Susan’s home and they talk at length about life generally and the experiences both of them are ready to put behind them. Although they are about age-mate, Kate adopted Susan as her mentor and confidant. They grow to become the best of friends.

“Susan, you are my nightmare,” Kate laughs out in one of their meetings. “My fear is always that sooner or later, Stanley will go back to you.”

“Unfounded fear,” Susan too laughs.

“No, no, it was then real fear. Nearly every day of my marriage Stanley will remind me of the angel he ought to marry. Every day he reminds me of Susan the Perfect One. By all reasons I would have lost him to you but many thanks to you; you are one in a million – A virtuous woman of inestimable worth.”

“You too you are describing me the same way your husband talks about me.”

“Then I feel much jealousy and rage when he calls you all the fanciful names on earth. But now that I met you, I realize that I have more adjectives to describe you; you are a woman of rare grace. I doubt I have the same level of restraint not to fall for the kind of Stanley if my marriage was cracking like yours did with Bolu; knowing that Stanley is a gentleman indeed. Whatever maltreatment I had was fundamentally my making.”

“It is always good to have restraint and to wait on the Lord,” Susan replies. “What if I have selfishly cornered Stanley to myself? We would not have these testimonies of a home healed. What we want should not superimpose on what is right.”

“Very true Susan,” Kate agrees, “I am praying for the same measure of faith.”

“Let me tell you a secret, Stanley called me few days ago to eulogize you. He said he has begun to see a new Kate. Thank you for making him happy and for proving me right. I told him you love him, now he knows. Thank you Kate.”

“I will rather thank you for making my marriage to work.”

“I also will thank you for bringing joy to my very dear friend, Stanley.” Susan replies.

Kate is ready to go home, she beckons on Daniel and Joyce who are engrossed with the video they are watching in the company of Samuel, Eniola and Lucy. Kate and her children get into their car and they drive out of Susan’s compound as the latter and the children wave to them. The bond is getting stronger and healthier even with their children.

As they get back inside the house a phone number rings in.

“Good afternoon,” a male voice calls in.

“Hello,” Susan stammers, “How could I be of help to you?”

“I am Doye Lawrence.”

Susan couldn’t believe what she hears from the other end. She goes silent and pauses for a long while.

“Susan, what is the matter?” Doye talks concernedly. “Are you still there?”

“Yes, I am,” Susan comes around gradually. “I don’t believe our ways would ever cross again not to talk of you calling me.”

“I came back to the country a couple of weeks ago, and I have to ask about my old friends; you especially.” When Doye said: “You especially,” her heart begins to race so fast it could be felt at the other end of the receiver.

“You are welcome back to the country,” Susan stutters.

“I want to see you.”


“Yes Susan.”

“No, no, no,”

“Please, let me come around. I was told all you have been through. You are my friend and I care.”

Susan drops her defense of not wanting Doye around; she feels a rare kind of care. She indeed needs a little care and emotional support. She knew he must be married; but friends would remain friends – keeping them at safe distance like Stanley.

They fix the appointment for a day which both of them look forward to.

Susan smiles deeply when she drops the phone. She remembers Doye Lawrence the guy who refused to give up loving her till their last day in school even when she told him she was not made for him.\

She was anxious though she knew she had no feeling for him like what she had for Stanley while they were together in school.

Why would Doye want to see her after about a decade out of school?



  1. Doyinsola Adewuyi

    The story is amazing. The anointing of God on you will never run dry sir.

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