Inspiring the New Generation 15



The world is full of abundance. Poverty and scarcity is firstly of the mind. This is why wealth is foremost a creative work of the mind. Like I often say, where the mind goes, there the man go. If only we could unleash wealth within we would definitely transform this into wealth in our lives, society and our world.

Gold is scarce in individual’s possession; this does not mean there is scarcity of gold in the earth crust. What it requires is for man to harness the wealth of gold within the ground; to possess and to master it. Each of us has abundance around us, what is stopping us is the mindset which doesn’t lead us to harness what we have; harnessing which requires plodding along. If you don’t believe there is gold within the ground, you wouldn’t have the temerity to dig out what you don’t believe in.

The difference between the rich society and the poor nations is firstly the issue of mindset. Average African leader think of scarcity so it leads them to stealing and plundering. Average leader in the advance society think of abundance and thereby think of giving out from the wealth of what they have; this wealth goes beyond materialism.

We too will begin to live in abundance when we are creative enough to identify that there is no scarcity but of the mind, then adapting ourselves to ceaseless labour to tap into the wealth of our world: Wealth of provision, health, relationship, etc.

To assist our minds, we would start with the basic: many people think the devil owns the world and the wealth that is in it so they surrender to poverty because they cannot assail the onslaught of the devil that’s obstructing them. That is the mindset that has destroyed the souls of many.

Categorically, the Bible says that “The earth is the Lord and the fullness thereof and all that is in it.” Again the same Bible says that: “The silver is mine, so the gold.” Later in the New Testament we receive the promise that all things are ours; of whatever we can conceive for abundant life and godliness.

What this information should do is to help you look around you with a creative state of mind and begin to mine (bring) out precious blessings, abundance, wealth and goodness even in the most chaotic situations. Treasures are hidden in the unlikely places. Unleash your mind today.



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