Inspiring a New Generation 4


The enemy wants you to keep running. A time comes in your life when you have to face the challenge headlong. Stop running from it. The question is: How long will you keep running away? The more you run the more you are harassed by the devil until you despair or get yourself destroyed.

Many times you would not really know what to do but learn to breathe in and tell yourself: I will not give up. There is always something positive to do.

Elijah ran from Ahab for years, but the time came he had to appear before the King and all the prophets of Baal. He told the people: How long will you vacillate between two opinions? He planted a new confidence into the people and a new season of plenty and abundance began in Israel.

Today is a new season of plenty for somebody in Jesus name as you consecrate your devotion and genuine service to the Lord.

Moses ran from Egypt for about 40 years, and then a new season appeared. He had to confront Pharaoh and Egypt. He began the journey of meaning when he stood before Pharaoh and wonders began to happen in torrent. The power of the oppressors was broken because somebody faced the challenge.

Goliath would have continued to torment Israel nonstop until David stood to him.

Those who will make changes in their world would not continue to run away from the world problems around them. Somebody must rise to stop the evil flow.

I stand!

You would have to stand to the situation today. My prayer for you this day is: Receive the power to stand against the oppression right now. Receive the power to effect changes and receive power to bring life to the dead situation. You will have to stand and find solution to that oppression and challenge once and for all.

It is a new day.

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