Inspiring the New Generation 6



Recently I was invited by a leading radio personality Edmund Obilo to talk on a subject in one of my books. At the conclusion he said: You are a star. It was a thirty minutes show, but it was a result of about thirty years that was called forth within that short moment.

I met a respected personality during another radio discussion on youths and how to get their lives back on track. He fell in love about a project I have already developed in blueprint format. After a while, I called him to pick up work from that point of discussion. He told me, you are in the big picture. When the time comes, you will anchor that area for the state.

Few days ago, somebody I do not know called me to come to their cooperative organization to present a paper which I have presented in not less than three programs; each of them at a fee. It was a personal finance program.

What is common to all of the above scenarios? I prepared for each of them when no one was requesting for the services.

Recently, it bothered me that I will not be earning gratuity and pensions because I didn’t work in the public sector. I have to find means. This gave me concern, then I began to work on projects, books, programs, blueprints, etc most of them intellectual properties and assets. After a couple of years, the Lord told me: All you need for retirement are set. Although, they are not in tangible money format but they are convertible before the time comes. Based on my design I told somebody I am retiring from financial pursuit by 55.

Joseph met with the butler two years before his service would be needed by Pharaoh. Moses was with the herds of Jethro for 40 years to prepare to lead Israel and David had to train himself to kill Goliath while having a duel with the lion and the bear.

Nobody just wake up to perform at the alpha level without adequate preparation ahead.

Col:4:5: Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.

Most people are casualty of time because they are not wise to redeem every moment. Even when no one has hired you, find something to do.

He who fails to plan, plans to fail.

Prepare for the season of appearance.

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